Seraglio meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Seraglio
As noun : अंतःपाल Ex:  seraglio pastilles
अन्तःपुर Ex:  The seraglio of Constantinople उ:   वे नव-दम्पति श्री कृष्ण के अन्तःपुर में पहुँचे।
Other : अन्त-पुर Ex:  The great seraglio Vizier जनानखाना Ex:  The seraglio of eunuchs रनवास रनिवास हरम
Seraglio ki paribhasha : janaanakhaane men daakhil ki hui stri ghar ka vah bhaag jisamen striyaaan rahati hon
Usage of Seraglio in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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