Serrated meaning in hindi
As verb : दाँतेदार Ex:  It also means a way to give some silks with a serrated iron
Other :
आरी की तरह दॉतेदार बना हुआ Ex:  blazon piece serrated कटावदार Ex:  Botany Perennial, Plombaginées of the family, with serrated leaves and blue flowers उ: इसके पत्ते तीन अंगुल चौड़े कटावदार होते हैं। दन्तुर या दंदानेदार Ex:  Instrument which is used to cut grass, fodder and which consists of a curved steel blade half - circle, serrated or not and which is fitted into a wooden handle
ExamplesUsage of Serrated in sentences
The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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