Serve meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Serve
As noun : अंच्छाया Ex:  he used a scoop to serve the ice cream
अंछया Ex:  They serve unsavoury food in the mess. अगे बढ्ना Ex:  Her wish was to serve the needy. आवश्यकता पूर्ति करना Ex:  At tea time they serve tea with biscuits. इषण, इषणा Ex:  For starters, I'll serve a delicious soup . उड़ीकना Ex:  Please ladle up the soup and serve it . उपयुक्त होना Ex:  Please thicken up the gravy before you serve it . कानूनी कारवाई करना Ex:  Though other international airlines still serve Majuro काफ़ी होना Ex:  Three two-digit Interstate highways serve Cleveland directly. काम करना Ex:  This proved just in time for the new railroad to serve the Jamestown Exposition कामना Ex:  State senators serve four year terms and representatives two year terms. उ:   फल की कामना त्याग कर लोक संभव है। कार्य करना Ex:  Identical elements sometimes serve to support widely different theories. के लिए ठीक होना Ex:  As the conquistador Bernal Diaz observed: "We came to serve God and our Majesty गेंद चल्ना Ex:  Senators serve six-year terms चाकरी करना Ex:  Senators serve four year terms and Assembly members two. चित्तराग Ex:  They serve a 6-month term. देखभाल करना Ex:  Williams hit a 206 km/h serve पूर्ति करना Ex:  Three general aviation airports serve the Denver area. प्रतीक्षा करना Ex:  Most restaurants, though, serve international dishes. प्रेप्सा Ex:  The 100 Senators serve staggered six-year terms. बदला लेना Ex:  All members serve five-year terms. बाँछनापु Ex:  Senators serve terms of six years each बांछना Ex:  Thompson was sentenced to serve 60 days in Kentucky’s Jefferson County Jail. बांछा Ex:  The latter do not serve as clergy, which the Bahá'í Faith does not have. विबुभूषा Ex:  In 1879, the Wawona Hotel was built to serve tourists visiting the Grove. सर्विस करना Ex:  Commissioner Resident Jesús T. Piñero, to serve as island governor. सहसंवास Ex:  Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen hired Bach to serve as his Kapellmeister . सहायता करना Ex:  Senators serve four-year terms, and House members serve two-year terms. साथ देना Ex:  The city buses serve all parts of downtown Louisville and Jefferson County साथ रहना Ex:  Amtrak passenger trains no longer serve Louisville हृदयोद्गार Ex:  His first serve is typically around 190 km/h .
As verb : उपकारण Ex:  It'd serve John right if he got arrested . के लिए पर्याप्त होना Ex:  International schools have also been established to serve this presence. के सात व्यवहार करना Ex:  Amtrak passenger trains serve Kansas City, Jefferson City, St. गेंद चलाना Ex:  Auld sent Douglass to Baltimore to serve Thomas' brother, Hugh Auld. तामील करना Ex:  Garands continued to serve into the 1970s or longer. नौकरी करना Ex:  Members of both houses serve for 4 years. परीसना Ex:  They now serve around 200 destinations in France and abroad. परोसना Ex:  Seventy-one airports serve the state's aviation needs. पुरस्करण Ex:  Mosques in downtown Gangtok and Mangan also serve the Muslim population पूरा करना Ex:  The oils serve a number of purposes in this role: Secondly संप्रसाधन Ex:  Archbishop Tutu will serve as the Chair of The Elders. सकिलाना ‡ Ex:  HMMWV serve as cargo/troop carriers सेवा करना Ex:  Lines may serve other functions
Other : आज्ञा पालन करना Ex:  They serve milky tea. आराधना करना Ex:  We prepared a nice pud to serve to the guests after lunch. कहना करना Ex:  Philip Buchen, who would later serve as Ford's White House counsel. काम आना ना Ex:  Two other limited-access highways serve Cleveland. काम आना Ex:  His son, Hugh Nelson would later serve in the U.S. Congress. काम का होना Ex:  Henin has an extremely powerful serve काम निकाल देना Ex:  They serve as census divisions टहल करना Ex:  Ely argued that the courts should serve to reinforce the democratic process तामील Ex:  6-1, breaking Sharapova's serve four times. निभाना Ex:  Sampras is considered by many to have had the best second serve in history. निर्वाहण करना Ex:  Haploid cells serve as gametes in multicellular organisms परिवेषण करना Ex:  Several foreign airlines also serve Rinas Airport: Alitalia पर्याप्त होना Ex:  They were not always meant to serve this purpose. पूजा करना Ex:  Toys, like play itself, serve multiple purposes in both humans and animals. फाँदना या लाँघना या बाहना Ex:  The new Wembley Stadium will serve exactly the same purposes. बांट देना Ex:  In that case, the team designates another player to serve the minor or major भोजन परोसना Ex:  Personnel serve either six months or one year हाजिर रहना Ex:  Two airports serve Philadelphia: the Philadelphia International Airport
Serve ki paribhasha : kisi baat ko baarabaar chalaaye chalana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana khaane ke liye kisi ke saamane tarah tarah ke bhojan rakhana
Usage of Serve in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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