Service meaning in hindi
As noun : अकामता Ex: The men were deactivated after five years of service
अपित्व Ex: An inter-city train service helps the people to commute faster. अपूज्य Ex: The person does the service in the office. अमाली Ex: He was dismissed from service for violating the officers command. अम्र Ex: The liturgy sung by the people at a church service in answer to the priest. आँबठ Ex: I have a gripe about the service here आंतःपुरिक Ex: He attended the morning service in the temple. आग्रहिका Ex: the federalization of postal service आराधनी Ex: I will not give you the service charge. आराधनी Ex: I will not give you the service charge. इन्तेमाल Ex: personalized service उपकारण Ex: The company dumped him after many years of service उपचार Ex: Free post service is available here. उ: इसके उपचार में लक्षणों से मुक्ति शामिल है। उपयोग Ex: for magnificence and personal service there is the Queens hotel उ: इसका उपयोग नाभिकीय शृंखला अभिक्रिया में हुआ है। उपसत्ति Ex: Room service of krishna oberoi is very good. उपसत्ति Ex: Room service of krishna oberoi is very good. उपाशंति Ex: A good postal service is needed for every village. उपासना Ex: Her service has improved. उ: इसे उपासना का प्रवर्तक भी कहा जा सकता है। एड Ex: Take your car for service every 3,000 miles. ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex: I chose not to go into the service . ऐडमिरल्टी Ex: The service here is not so hot . औठ Ex: The washroom is temporarily out of service . औपयोगिक Ex: If you need any help, just press for service . औलग Ex: We will put it in service within an hour . करम Ex: Turn into the next service station for some gas . कर्मचारी Ex: By 1887 of 21,000 mid-level civil service appointments उ: वह फ्लोरेंस रिपब्लिक का कर्मचारी था। कर्मचेष्टा Ex: Over two million Indians volunteered for military service in the British Army. काँज Ex: For his naval service कांस्टिट्यूशन Ex: Dimitrije Konjović and Walter Zelezny of the Austro-Hungarian air service काम Ex: National bus service is provided at a Greyhound station उ: उन्होंन कुछ गुजराती फिल्मों में काम किया। कामविहंता Ex: During his service as Premier कामु Ex: The biggest aircraft still in service is Antonov An-225 कारय Ex: Parks' funeral service कारामद Ex: After the funeral service कारि Ex: American and Norwegian service weapons. कारिज Ex: Broadband service is widely provided within Vatican City. कार्य Ex: Sewage service in Erie is provided by the Erie Sewer Authority उ: शासन कार्य के लिए दो समितियां होती थीं। किंकरता Ex: Greyhound Lines and Fullington Trailways provide daily bus service किरतब Ex: It provides a bus service कुमकु Ex: Members of both Houses are no longer privileged from service on juries. कृंतत्र Ex: In Bell System dial service कैंकर्य Ex: He instituted the interlibrary loan service क्रमव्यवस्था Ex: Borlaug declined, choosing to finish his war service at DuPont. गलखाँसी Ex: Ottawa's main mass transit service is OC Transpo . गालोडित Ex: Richelieu entered the service of King Louis XIII's wife गुंफ Ex: Richelieu's spy service गुरुकार Ex: Codetel being the dominant service provider in the country. गृहप्रबंध Ex: However, if a service operates from e. चर्या Ex: He had in fact presented himself for service चेराइपु Ex: An ICL video server provided the service via ATM switches manufactured by ATML जाँच Ex: VIA Rail no longer provides rail service to Calgary. उ: मामले की जाँच सीआईडी पश्चिम बंगाल कर रही है। जातिव्यवसाय Ex: SBS's world news service SBS2 जोष Ex: It began service on December 14 डिवीजन Ex: But not all the slaves escaping south found military service in St. उ: यह उत्तर प्रदेश का है,एटा जिला अलीगढ़ डिवीजन का हिस्सा है। डिसीप्लिन Ex: Towards the end of the service life of the kammerladers डोलनि Ex: The main service fields are banking and shopping/commerce. तवस्सल Ex: Bus service in Chişinău can be very inexpensive तामील Ex: Wisconsin earned five battle stars for her World War II service उ: पहले सिद्धांत की तामील के लिए सबके बीच शिक्षा का प्रसार करना। तारघाट Ex: China, with a portion of the service continuing to Pyongyang, North Korea. दंडानीक Ex: The service ceased in 2000 after 32 years देख भाल करना Ex: An experimental service was operated in Scotland across the Firth of Forth दोस्थ Ex: The possibility of establishing a permanent service is now under consideration. धंधु Ex: The R-4 was the only Allied helicopter to see service in World War II नजरअंदाजी Ex: Major cellular service operators include Reliance Infocomm नजामत Ex: There is a regular bus service between Rimini and the city of San Marino नप्स Ex: A limited licensed taxi service operates nationwide. नमस्यु Ex: It is also visible in community and social service निजामत Ex: If ATMs do go out of service निषेवन Ex: Two interesting variants that never saw service were the M1E5 and T26 . निषेवन Ex: Two interesting variants that never saw service were the M1E5 and T26 . नौकर्म Ex: Limited passenger service is available at smaller airports in Fort Smith पड़पण Ex: Palau Micronesia Air was launched with service from Palau to Yap परचारगी Ex: The TGV is France's high-speed rail service developed by GEC-Alsthom and SNCF परिष्टि Ex: All lines have a 30 minute service during the day पर्येषण Ex: A memorial service was held at St Martin-in-the-Fields पर्येषण Ex: A memorial service was held at St Martin-in-the-Fields पादसेवन Ex: The M1 Abrams entered U.S. service in 1980 पार्टिशन Ex: As the Abrams entered service in the 1980s पीस Ex: 159 aircraft were taken into service उ: ताजे पत्तों को पीस कर फोड़ों पर भी लगाते हैं। पूजा Ex: The main service providers are Sikkim Cable, Dish TV, Doordarshan and Nayuma. उ: जैन - इनको मूर्ति पूजा के प्रवर्तक माना जाता है। पूजापाठ Ex: He was to live there in service to Deisechen पूरी सफा़ई Ex: I would be doing a service if I killed my father when he is hunting पृष्ठपोषण Ex: The British service sector प्रणिघान Ex: The BBC's international television news service प्रस्कुंद Ex: International telephone service is carried by satellite. बरिया Ex: The service sector in general has experienced growth in recent years बाउंटी Ex: The CBC French service is based in Moncton. बारी Ex: His asthma had prevented his being drafted into military service in Argentina उ: अब आती है बारी सबसे आसान ट्रिक की। बिहसनि Ex: The service sector contributes around 70% to the total GDP बेवसाय Ex: Outside of the service industry भौजन परोसने के बर्तन Ex: 37.2% in limited service restaurants मदद करना Ex: The service sector of the economy मदद Ex: Tata Indicom, Airtel and Reliance being the leading service providers. उ: वो रूस से मिलने वाली मदद पर ही निर्भर है। मद्दत, मद्दति Ex: Rebel castles were one problem, nobles avoiding military service was another. मरम्म्त Ex: Unlicensed taxis mostly threatened the bus service carriers मुसाहबत Ex: Junior Grade for service in the Office of Naval Intelligence. मुसाहवी Ex: Following his retirement from the diplomatic service in 1896 राधनी Ex: The city's economy is primarily based on the service sector रिलीफ Ex: Airline service to West Berlin was granted only to American वर्गणा Ex: There is also a limited service to London Waterloo from Bristol Temple Meads वारिवस्या Ex: Yale and Indiana complied and blocked the service from its campuses वारिवस्या Ex: Yale and Indiana complied and blocked the service from its campuses विचेष्टित Ex: Partly because of the service of many in the war विधुति Ex: The majority, 79%, were employed in the service sector. विभाग Ex: The 747 entered service on 22 January 1970 उ: इनके अलावा भी कई विभाग थे। विहिति Ex: Delta Airlines also removed its 747s from service after several years. वृधसानु Ex: The -100SR entered service with Japan Airlines on 7 October 1973. Later वेष्य Ex: 17 Boeing 747SP aircraft were in service with Iran Air वैतालिकव्रत Ex: It entered first service in 1972 with Lufthansa. व्यवस्था Ex: IAH offers service to more Mexican destinations than any other U.S. airport. उ: अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं के अध्ययन की भी व्यवस्था है। व्यापृत Ex: The -400 was launched in 1985 and entered service in 1988 with Piedmont. व्यावर्ग Ex: Since entering service in 1968 शागिर्दपेशा Ex: The latter began service on 6 June, 1879 with six locomotives. शौबा Ex: Blizzard's Internet service Battle. श्रुष्टि Ex: The radio service is also Internet-streamed. संकल्पज Ex: Super Mario 64 can be downloaded on Wii's Virtual Console service संगठन Ex: Vincent wished to become an artist while in God's service as he stated उ: संगठन व्यवस्था को जन्म देता है। सखुनसाजी Ex: Aeroméxico has introduced twice-weekly international service to Tokyo, Japan. सन्निवेश Ex: A private bus service operates between Canberra and Queanbeyan सपर्या Ex: An interstate CountryLink railway service connects Canberra to Sydney. समाप Ex: By land, the latter are served by either service or taxis. समाराधन Ex: The bus service is operated both by private and government sectors. सरविस Ex: Georgia Public Radio has been in service since 1984 and सर्विस करना Ex: After three decades in service सर्विस Ex: Bayantel and cellular service providers Smart Communications उ: यदि वह अच्छी सर्विस करने में असफल रहता है। सहाइ Ex: On May 8, 1947, he was arrested by the Polish security service . सहायता Ex: There is also a long tram and trolleybus service उ: उर्मल और कुतुरी उसकी सहायता नदियाँ हैं। सहाय्य Ex: Air Koryo also claims scheduled service on a few domestic routes सहावत Ex: Intermittent service to Pyongyang is also provided by a few foreign carriers सह्यकर्म Ex: The city is also home to the country's main pay-TV service साति Ex: It has various helicopters in service सानाथ्य Ex: Thimphu is served by a 'City Bus' service which operates throughout the day. सारति Ex: This service was more widely available around Europe until the end of 2002 साहयता Ex: Sheffield also offers a free bus service - the FreeBee. उ: योग मनुष्य स्वस्थ रखने में साहयता करता है । साहायक Ex: This service is operated by TM Travel साह्य Ex: 2007, and service is now available in many areas of the city. सेवा करना Ex: Barcelona's City Council started the Bicing service सेवा विभाग Ex: Rail service does not end with New Haven, however. सेवा Ex: Regional rail service is provided by Amtrak उ: यह दुनिया की चौथी सबसे बड़ी रेलवे सेवा है। सेवाबंदगी Ex: In the Apology Socrates compares his military service to his courtroom troubles सेवाव्यवहार Ex: Park service roads lead to major features सफ़ाई धुलाई Ex: Intercity bus service is provided by Greyhound हुशकाई Ex: Maintained by a round-the-clock service since their construction हेतुमान् Ex: A funeral service was held at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Beverly Hills. होँठी Ex: Passenger rail service provided by Amtrak stops at the Topeka Station. ह्रित Ex: There are a number of major radio stations which service Massachusetts
As verb : सफ़ाई धुलाई करना Ex: The Enterprise service
Other : आराधना Ex: He is in the main honest.
The service of this hotel is in the main reliable. उ: ये देवी शाकम्बरी की आराधना करते थे। उपासना या अनुष्टान Ex: Gandhiji gave an active service to India. कृत्य Ex: Also there is a bus service in Hargeisa. उ: इस कृत्य की समाचार पत्रों में निन्दी भी हुई। खि़दमत करना Ex: During his service in World War II चाकरी Ex: Entering service officially in 1921 उ: जहां कवि विद्यापति भगवान शिव के चाकरी करते अंतर्ध्यान हो गए थे। चेराई Ex: Unlike the previous service packs जहाजी नौकरी Ex: The service currently has approximately 800 buses टहल Ex: All rail service was terminated between Miami Beach and Miami on October 17 तामील वहन सेवा Ex: New York City hosts local offices for some of Cornell's service programs. निर्वाहण Ex: The three major service academies compete for the Commander in Chief's Trophy नौकरी Ex: So David enters Saul's service उ: नौकरी पाकर उन दोनों की उलझनें और बढ़ जाती हैं। परिचर्या Ex: Unions are also delineated by the service model and the organizing model. फायदा Ex: Invalided out of service in June 1941 उ: इसका फायदा निसंदेह स्पष्ट है। मेज पर रिकाबियो की तरतीब Ex: After he retired from the diplomatic service in 1896 वितरण Ex: Military service is voluntary उ: इसके बाद आरती कर प्रसाद वितरण करें। सर्विस{टेनिस में} Ex: Amtrak passenger service सेट या बरतन Ex: Nausori International Airport has many domestic flights and service to Tuvalu. सेवकाई Ex: Caracas hosts numerous service companies, banks, and malls, among others.
The service of this hotel is in the main reliable. उ: ये देवी शाकम्बरी की आराधना करते थे। उपासना या अनुष्टान Ex: Gandhiji gave an active service to India. कृत्य Ex: Also there is a bus service in Hargeisa. उ: इस कृत्य की समाचार पत्रों में निन्दी भी हुई। खि़दमत करना Ex: During his service in World War II चाकरी Ex: Entering service officially in 1921 उ: जहां कवि विद्यापति भगवान शिव के चाकरी करते अंतर्ध्यान हो गए थे। चेराई Ex: Unlike the previous service packs जहाजी नौकरी Ex: The service currently has approximately 800 buses टहल Ex: All rail service was terminated between Miami Beach and Miami on October 17 तामील वहन सेवा Ex: New York City hosts local offices for some of Cornell's service programs. निर्वाहण Ex: The three major service academies compete for the Commander in Chief's Trophy नौकरी Ex: So David enters Saul's service उ: नौकरी पाकर उन दोनों की उलझनें और बढ़ जाती हैं। परिचर्या Ex: Unions are also delineated by the service model and the organizing model. फायदा Ex: Invalided out of service in June 1941 उ: इसका फायदा निसंदेह स्पष्ट है। मेज पर रिकाबियो की तरतीब Ex: After he retired from the diplomatic service in 1896 वितरण Ex: Military service is voluntary उ: इसके बाद आरती कर प्रसाद वितरण करें। सर्विस{टेनिस में} Ex: Amtrak passenger service सेट या बरतन Ex: Nausori International Airport has many domestic flights and service to Tuvalu. सेवकाई Ex: Caracas hosts numerous service companies, banks, and malls, among others.
Service ki paribhasha : thode vayas ki stri niraahaar vrat rahana baaantane ko kriya ya bhaav kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho vah jisaka adhin raajyaprabndh ya aur kisi kaaryaalay ke snkabndhar rakhanevaala koi kaary karata ho kisi ke kaaryasnpaadan men shaaririk ya aur kisi prakaar yog dena gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho bikhari hui shaktiyon, logon ya ango aadi ko is prakaar milaakar ek karana ki unamen navin jivan ya bal aa jaay ishvar ya kisi devi devata ke prati shraddhaa, snmaana, vinay aur samarpan ka bhaav prakat karanevaala kaary doosare ko aaraam pahuanchaane ki kriya
ExamplesUsage of Service in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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