Set in motion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Set in motion
As noun : खड़ना Ex:  club-shaped hammerhead species that strike side to side in the interior of a bell when it is set in motion
चलाना Ex:  It means figuratively Make act, determine suddenly set in motion ठोलना Ex:  MOBILE is also working as a male name and means a likely body to be set in motion डगराना Ex:  Move , to go from one place to another, set in motion नषाना Ex:  Turntables, tables that seem to spontaneously set in motion in contact around the hands of several people rows बाँहना मुचाना रंदना विछाडना संप्रवर्त्तन सियाक सूटना हँड़वाना
Usage of Set in motion in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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