Set to meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Set to
As noun : अँकवारी Ex:  He is all set to malign you.
उत्साहपूर्वक शुरू करना Ex:  We are set to leave at a moment's notice . गावजोरी Ex:  When placed in the machine, a rotor can be set to one of 26 positions. ज़ोर शोर से शुरू करना Ex:  The film is set to be released on February 6 झड़पा Ex:  There are also almost as many clocks set to 11:55 हस्ताहस्ति Ex:  It applies to poems intended to be set to music and sung हाथापाई Ex:  Lyric Theatre, Theatre on which one represents the works set to music उ:   इसकी वजह से हाथापाई हो गई। हाथाबाँही Ex:  Poet, lyricist, one composing odes or own poems to be set to music हाथाहाथी Ex:  Small poem meant to be set to music, composed of recitatives and arias
Other : चिपकाना या जोडना Ex:  The tour was originally set to launch on June 6 but was postponed to June 10
Set to ki paribhasha : aisi ladai jisamen haath pair chalaaye jaayan
Usage of Set to in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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