Settle in meaning in hindi
As noun : अंकुरना Ex:  We are going to settle in Taiwan.
अंगुसाना Ex:  Inuit families immigrated from British North America to settle in these areas. अठवना० Ex:  UMDNJ had wanted to settle in suburban Madison. जमना Ex:  Young Germans and international artists continue to settle in the city सन्निवेश
Other : नये वातावरण से सामंजस्य बनाना Ex:  It is used as First name for the inhabitants of a country's natural, as opposed to those who came to settle in
Settle in ki paribhasha : vah ghaas jo pahali varsha ke uparaant kheton men ugati hai
ExamplesUsage of Settle in in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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