Sexuality meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sexuality
As noun : कामुकता Ex:  Gender and sexuality became popular topics उ:   इस फिल्म में उन्होंने बेहद कामुकता वाली भूमिका अदा की थी।
खरमस्ती Ex:  Investigations and digressions into the realms of human sexuality लैंगिकता Ex:  His sexuality has often been the subject of study, analysis and speculation. उ:   टिनटिन कि चित्रकथाओं में से लैंगिकता भी गायब है।
Other : लिंगभेद Ex:  The study of animal sexuality is a rapidly developing field. उ:   वह लिंगभेद को भी स्वीकार नहीं करता।
Sexuality ki paribhasha : hin
Usage of Sexuality in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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