Shame meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगुश्तनुमाई Ex: one mistake brought shame to all his family
अपत्रपण Ex: Its rather a shame that she missed the concert. अपय़श Ex: She became reddened with shame and anger. इल्तिफात Ex: He cast down his eyes in shame . कम दिखाना Ex: It’s a shame that the name of the greatest tournament in tennis कुनाभ Ex: be ashamed, to the shame of his family, etc खिजल Ex: Blushing with shame , modesty खिफ्फत Ex: Clear the shame of a bad action गूहाछीछी Ex: Cover shame someone गैरत Ex: Cover to publicly shame घैरपु Ex: Crying shame छो Ex: Crying shame जनरव Ex: Do not stop, it is a shame s' stop at beautiful path झेँप Ex: In Instead of profit he hoped, he has removed that shame and contempt झेँपना Ex: It also means Who because of the shame दय Ex: It has neither shame nor shamelessly दया Ex: It is a shame that the rest of retained उ: सतगुरु दया सो पाइये, सतनाम निजसार। दुष्कीर्त्ति Ex: It is having lost all shame to dare do that दोहरफ Ex: It is said in the same sense Have any of shame, put down all shame नदामत Ex: It is the shame of his family नफरीँ Ex: It means figuratively Tort, shame we did something, the reduction of property that should be kept whole, intact नामधराई Ex: It means Who is still ashamed, embarrassed, or that shame and embarrassment come from a fault committed, whether they come from an excess of modesty नालत Ex: It reported that in shame He not only withdrew from the shame निँदरना Ex: It's a shame that you have not learned this earlier पत्रपा Ex: It's a shame to let such a good worker be unemployed प्रैय Ex: It's a shame to say a shameful Action or to one who makes it, or for the one who suffers बंदानिवाजी Ex: Put down all shame बदनाम करना Ex: Record of infamy, Designate the opinion of an infamous manner, shame बदनामी Ex: Repairing the shame of defeat बाध्य करना Ex: See his shame मेहर Ex: Sensitive to glory, shame मेहरबानी Ex: shame Flushing रशक Ex: Shame on us! the shame of reason, common sense लज्जा Ex: Shaming someone still means Make someone reproaches that cause him to shame, confusion ; and then shame is often accompanied by additional उ: देवी का वह रूप लज्जा गौरी के नाम से प्रसिद्द हो गया। लज्जाकृति Ex: Shaming someone, cause him shame, be a matter of shame for him लज्जित करना Ex: She was compelled to confess his shame लज्जित होना Ex: Spare me the grief, the pain, the confusion, the shame लानत Ex: The red goes up in his face says in speaking of a person to whom the blood suddenly rises to the face, by an effect of modesty, shame or anger लियानत Ex: There ' there is no shame in being poor लुत्फ Ex: There is a good and a bad shame व्रीड़न Ex: This is bad shame व्रीड़न Ex: This is bad shame व्रील Ex: We did well to shame him व्री़डित Ex: Whether he comes back, you, if the dead to torment poor people? What an honor, what an honor, what can it benefit you to return this company? There you will return but trouble, shame व्री़डित Ex: Whether he comes back, you, if the dead to torment poor people? What an honor, what an honor, what can it benefit you to return this company? There you will return but trouble, shame शरमसारी Ex: You should die of shame शर्म Ex: All shame accumulated on his head उ: शर्म आनी चाहिए इन लोगों को। शर्मसार Ex: This printed in his memory eternal shame शर्मिंदगी दिखाना शर्मिंदगी महसूस होना शर्मिंदगी उ: पर महिला को शर्मिंदगी से बचाने के लिए वह झुक रहा है। शर्मिंदा होना शर्मिंदित होना शर्मिन्दगी सकुचावना सर्मिंदगी सर्मिंदित होना सुकृ़ति हया हृणिया, हृणीया ह्रीपद ह्लीका ह्लीका
Other : कान Ex: Even so, he felt no shame in friendship with educated people. उ: दाँतों और कान की पीड़ा शाँत हो जाती है। कालिक Ex: Amfortas is racked with shame and suffering . कालिख Ex: Banish all fear, all shame झपकना Ex: I can admit without shame उ: आंखों का झपकना कम हो जाता है। तिरस्कार Ex: It blushes over nothing, usually the shame was blasé बेइज्जत करना Ex: See how this man treated after so many services, it is a shame लजाना Ex: shame Poor Poor hiding his misery, who does not dare ask publicly alms लाज, शर्म, हया Ex: Subir shame of his fall लाज Ex: That earned him his ambition, if not to make him odious? This action earned him but shame उ: इस तरह भक्त देवा की भगवान ने लाज रख दी। शर्म या लज्जा का कारण Ex: You should die of shame शिष्टता सकुचाना
Shame ki paribhasha : saahity ke antargat ek arthaalnkaar jisamen gunaanvit vastu men durgun dikhaakar usaka tiraskaar kiya jaata hai kisi ko snkoch karane men pravratt karana apane kisi bure ya bhadde vyava- haar ka dhyaan karake vrattiyon ke snkoch ka anubhav hona antaःkaran ki vah avastha jisamen svabhaavataः athava apane kisi bhadde ya bure aacharan ki bhaavana ke kaaran vasaron ke saamane vrattiyaaan snkuchit ho jaati hain, chepta mnd pad jaati hai, muanh se, shavd nahin nikalata sir nicha ho jaata hai aur saamane taaka nahin jaata man ka vah duःkhapoorn veg jo doosare ke kasht ko door karane ki prerana karata hai
ExamplesUsage of Shame in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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