Shape meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shape
As noun : अँगौटी Ex:  The building is in the shape of an octagon.
अंगढ़ग Ex:  Viscosity is the property of liquids which resist the external force applied on the liquid so as to retain its shape or resist to flow due to external force. अंगवैकृत Ex:  Make a round shape of the object.
Round the lips while making clear sound.
अंगसंहति Ex:  this shape is geometrically interesting अंतर्दधन Ex:  The shape of the ball changed because of suppresion. अनुकूल बनाना Ex:  What shape is the team in after its defeat? अनुरूप बनाना Ex:  I use nail files to shape my finger nails. अनुहारि Ex:  My fathers office is in the shape of pentagon. अबिगति Ex:  The house is being built in the shape of a rectangle. अभावरी Ex:  This picture is in the shape of parallelogram. असर डालना Ex:  The bottle has the shape of a cylinder आकार देना Ex:  There is a plaster work in the shape of leaf. आकार Ex:  The spring coiled up into its original shape . उ:   यह आकार में छोटा है। आकारवान Ex:  I cut out the shape of the moon from the paper . आकृति Ex:  This car isn't in good shape . उ:   शुन्या की आकृति ३६० अंश होकर गोलकार है। उच्चित ढंग से करना Ex:  Hey, Tom, whip yourself into shape . उछेदना Ex:  Haliotis asinina has a somewhat different shape उपयुक्त बनाना Ex:  This was solved either by a compromise shape उरेहनापु Ex:  Ballyvalley , Derryniggin , and a number of metal ingots in the shape of axes. उलटन Ex:  The last ovule shape is called amphitropous उवठान Ex:  This would be the shape of things to come. एकवर्ण Ex:  However, the leaf shape may be formed of lobes कार्कलास्य Ex:  A third less common design called the busetto shape can also be found. किबो Ex:  Further enlargement led to a quadratic shape of the temples. कृशन Ex:  The roofs were made in the shape of marquees. कृशन Ex:  The roofs were made in the shape of marquees. गड़न Ex:  Trying to get back into shape after the long layoff गढना Ex:  Different sounds are produced by changing the depth and shape of trachea. गुंफ Ex:  The bowls for the stones are of a simple shape घुमनि Ex:  The weight of the ice has depressed the central land area into a basin shape चरचर Ex:  The shape and position of this feature shifts rapidly चलवाई Ex:  The MCC had a very similar body shape to the MC12 चित्या Ex:  As a result of the shape of the front चुथाई Ex:  In Homer's works the chief stories have already taken shape and substance चुवावनि Ex:  The shape of the hand should resemble that of its relaxed state चुसनि Ex:  Other requests are about the input focus and the shape of the cursor. चूरही Ex:  They transformed them into the shape of humans. चेटकनो Ex:  Body shape and the arrangement of the fins is highly variable चेरि, चेरी Ex:  Electrical plugs and their sockets differ by country in shape चोटियाल Ex:  He believes that events shape themselves चोथाई Ex:  It also gave skilled cooks the opportunity to elaborately shape the results. छँह Ex:  Sharp tools are essential in allowing the artist's sense to shape the material. छाँई Ex:  Each tool used to shape wood usually leaves a signature छाया Ex:  The city has a relatively round shape उ:   लेकिन छाया आगे बढ़ती है। छायाभास Ex:  Once the general shape is made छावँ Ex:  The regulation changed the shape of the decoration from a star to a cross छाहर Ex:  There are also other interpretations of the island shape जीवनतल Ex:  The ammonia molecule has a trigonal pyramidal shape झाँई, झाँई Ex:  This is the main body of the "airplane" shape of the city झूलनि Ex:  The Roman Arch's shape is the simplest to build but not the strongest. ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  Alternative names for the shape are: The swastika has an extensive history. ठाटबाट Ex:  The swastika shape was used by some Native Americans. डड़ियाना Ex:  The swastika shape was also present in pre-Christian Slavic mythology. डिजाइन Ex:  This is true regardless of the shape of the magnet उ:   इस नगर का डिजाइन डेस्मंड यंगद्वारा हुआ था। तंत्रिमुख Ex:  The body shape was low-slung and quite wide. तथाभाव Ex:  Law is philosophy, because moral and ethical persuasions shape their ideas. तमतडा़क Ex:  The envelope is the normal 'cigar' shape थलराना Ex:  Weather is one of the fundamental processes that shape the Earth. दशा Ex:  The shape into which a protein naturally folds is known as its native state. उ:   ऐसी दशा में कला सत्य से परे और हानिकारक होती है। धनुषाकृति Ex:  These osteoderms ranged in both size and shape धराव Ex:  Similar in size and shape to a European Magpie नकशोनिगार Ex:  Guinea's territory has a curved shape नमूना Ex:  The island has an elongated shape on a north-south axis. उ:   के अनुसार यह मुग़ल वास्तुकला का सर्वोत्तम नमूना है। निपाना Ex:  Just as Roman letters have a characteristic shape निर्मिति Ex:  While the shape and colour of tiles was once regionally distinctive परछहियाँ Ex:  The association with the cytoskeleton determines mitochondrial shape परसनि Ex:  It takes a rectangular shape परिपक्वावस्था Ex:  They need the support of surrounding volumes to maintain their shape पौदगलिक Ex:  The mirror was barely 2.3 micrometres out from the required shape प्रतिच्छंद Ex:  Its shape will turn into a cross with icon of list control . प्रतिरूप Ex:  There were no limits on the shape or size of the bat . उ:   प्रत्येक प्रतिरूप की अपनी वेश-भूषा और साज शृंगार होता है। प्रत्थुपमान Ex:  They try to shape the minds of people and create new needs . प्रभावित करना Ex:  A contract in good shape प्रवाच्य Ex:  A good view perceives the distance as well as the shape and color of फरहरनि Ex:  Agreement in good shape फेरनि Ex:  Also called Beanie priest in Charcoal because of the shape of its fruits बननि Ex:  An emotion began to take shape in the city बनवना ‡पु Ex:  Anatomy Who has the shape of a tooth बनाना Ex:  as I thought about it, my speech was taking shape उ:   कोल्ड कॉफी भी लोगों के बीच लोकप्रिय है और इसे बनाना भी आसान है। बनावट Ex:  Botanical family Brassicaceae plant Kind of so called because its leaves have the shape of a spoon उ:   इन जालियों की बनावट कई तरह की होती है। बनावना Ex:  Botanical Fruit of the size and nearly the shape of a chestnut, which grows in swamps and floating on the water बसबास Ex:  Both genders Who the shape of the dialogue बाजनि Ex:  Box Kind used to make, to wear, keep any object whose shape varies with the objects it is intended to contain बाह्य रूप Ex:  By analogy, Boat Bed, whose shape resembles that of a boat बिकास पाना Ex:  By analogy, Buttons made of olive or olive Buttons or simply Olives, which Buttons have the shape of an olive बिघनता Ex:  By analogy, he said All that recalls the shape of a shield; especially in terms of Entomology, it means the scissor certain insects, convex and raised on the edges, and in terms of motoring, a windshield Sort बितंड Ex:  By analogy, in terms of Arts, he said all cylindrical device that recalls the shape of this measure भूत Ex:  By analogy, it is used to designate, terms of Arts, All kinds of objects recalling the shape of a spider उ:   २००३ में रिलीज हुई भूत इनकी पहली फिल्‍म हैं। माडल Ex:  By analogy, it means Which reminds the shape of the fruit माडल Ex:  By analogy, it means Which reminds the shape of the fruit मार्तड़वल्लभा Ex:  Correspondence size, shape and position of the body parts of a natural or artificial and have them all with their मूर्त्ति Ex:  didactic Who has the shape of a lens उ:   इस क्षील के मध्‍य में बुद्ध की मूर्त्ति स्‍थापित है। म्लानि Ex:  Envelope metal, leather or fabric adjusted to the elongated shape of the object it contains and to protect it when not in use is more योजना बनाना Ex:  Exploiting wood, Felling, shape and cut wood in a forest रचना Ex:  External shape of a body उ:   उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचना "स्वप्नप्रयाण" है। रुपायन Ex:  Flowers that have the shape of a bell रूप देना Ex:  geometry that has the shape of a decagon रूप Ex:  Geometry which has the shape of a hexagon उ:   इस रूप में ये देवताओं के लिये नहीं प्रयुक्त होता। लसनि Ex:  Geometry Who has the shape of a cone वजेकता Ex:  Giving shape to an epic narrative वपुष Ex:  God grant it is said by shape Wish वर्प Ex:  Gradually this plan took shape वर्प Ex:  Gradually this plan took shape विकास करना Ex:  He said specifically is a device made of wood or metal for hanging clothes keeping their shape विधानविधि Ex:  headphone Flower, which by its form recalls the shape of a विन्यय Ex:  His resignation is not in good shape विन्यय Ex:  His resignation is not in good shape विशेष तरीके से अभिव्यक्त करना Ex:  I was not sure what shape I had to वेशभाव Ex:  In ordinary language, it is used in a general sense to refer to all sorts of vases, whatever the material, shape and use व्य़ुपरम Ex:  In terms of biology, he said Infusoria or small ones that affect a cylindrical shape शेड Ex:  In terms of chess, he said, in a room that place the angle of the board and has the shape of a crenellated tower उ:   अलग-अलग बदलने वाले शेड और शॉवर उपलब्ध कराये जाते थे। सन्निवेश Ex:  In terms of Geometry and Astronomy, it means Who has the shape of the ellipse सन्निवेश Ex:  In terms of Geometry and Astronomy, it means Who has the shape of the ellipse समवस्था Ex:  In the shape of spiral or spiral समवस्था Ex:  In the shape of spiral or spiral समापादन Ex:  It also means the shape of which is well realized, or who does not appear confused with other items सरजाना Ex:  It also said the same shape containers intended for various uses सर्जना Ex:  It is in bad shape साख्तगी Ex:  It is sometimes adjective, but then one hardly uses the shape Parse सिरजन Ex:  It is sometimes said absolutely a Certain air liveliness and pleasure usually on the face and spread independent of the shape of the features सुगठन Ex:  It is used primarily the shape pronoun उ:   कहानी के सुगठन की दृष्टि से वह संसार के इने-गिने लेखकों में है। सूर्यपत्नी Ex:  It is, by extension, of a beverage glass in the shape of this flower सैंपुल Ex:  It means, in terms of cuisine, ice cream, sugar-loaf shape स्थिति Ex:  It said, in terms of Natural History, various shape changes observed in the largest number of insects and some other animals, such as frogs उ:   मुरादाबाद की स्थिति पर है। स्वरूपगत Ex:  Kind of Zoology digitigrade carnivorous mammals of Asia and southern Africa, which has many compared with the wolf by its natural predator, its size and the shape of his head स्ववार्त Ex:  Kind of Zoology mammal of the family of cetaceans that have the outer shape of a fish हँसावनि Ex:  Kind of Zoology mammal of the family of cetaceans, which have the outer shape of a fish हस्तविन्यास Ex:  Man Coiffure, which has a shape with Edge ह्वाल Ex:  Marine Longtail Boat used in the whaling boat of the same shape or the service of a great ship ढाँचा उ:   जब गैस प्रविष्ट करती है तब ढाँचा धीरे धीरे ऊपर उठता है।
Other : गति Ex:  The cytoskeleton acts to organize and maintain the cell's shape उ:   इस कारण उनके बढ़ने की गति में शिथिलता आ जाती है। गढ़ना Ex:  Evidence of a supercell comes from the storm's shape and structure डौल Ex:  Based on their general shape and size ध्यान Ex:  The wooden tablets are irregular in shape उ:   ध्यान सम्प्रदाय एशिया की एक महान उपलब्धि है। नियम करना Ex:  While the Commission intended the logo to be a prescribed glyph shape बिठाना Ex:  By analogy, he said All that recalls the shape of this instrument, of some equipment, where it covers the cheese to prevent it from drying out मूर्ती बनाना Ex:  dialog shape Treaty रुप Ex:  External shape of a body of a being उ:   सबसे प्राचीन रुप नामदेव की रचनाओं में मिलते हैं। शक्ल Ex:  In terms of Botany, bell flowers, Flowers monopetalous have roughly the shape of a bell उ:   इसे भुट्टे की शक्ल में भी खाया जाता है। साँचा Ex:  It is not usual that in these phrases: The edge of a hat, High the shape of a hat उ:   इस श्रेणी में सभी साँचा प्रलेखन पृष्ठ हैं। सांचे मे ढालना Ex:  It is often said as a memorial in the shape of Column सांचे में ढालना Ex:  We must take care to shape the soul for the good of the children when she is still Kneadable सूरत Ex:  It is, by extension, a hand-drawn letter whose shape resembles the printed letter उ:   ऐसी सूरत में आपको इस वेबसाइट पर जाकर ही सूचना पता करनी होगी। स्वरूप Ex:  It still means figuratively Educate, train, shape उ:   कन्नड भाषा के स्वरूप में भी कुछ परिवर्तन हुए।
Shape ki paribhasha : vah jo roopa, aakaar aadi men kisi ke tuly ho taratib ya kram se rakhana jaisa,—k rogi ki dasha achchho nahin hai sharir ki sundar banaavat kisi bade ya adhik padaarth men se nikaala hua vah chhota ya thod ansh jisaka upayog us mul padaarth ke gun aur svaroop aadi ka gyaan karaane ke liye hota hai ve bhool dravy jo srashti ke mukhy upakaran hai aur jinaki sahaayata se saari srashti ki rachana hui hai kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta prakaash ka abhaav jo usaki kiranon ke vyavadhaan ke kaaran kisi sthaan par hota hai vah upakaran jisamen koi taral padaarth dhaalakar athava gili chij rakhakar kisi vishisht aakaar prakaar ki koi chij banaayi jaati hai kisi vastu ki rachana ki praarnbhik avastha men sthool roop se snyojit angon ki samashti
Usage of Shape in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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