Share meaning in hindi
As noun : अंश विभाजन Ex: a fractional share of the vote
अंश Ex: He has a good foresight of the share market. उ: अंश के कुछ दायित्व भी हैं। अंशप्रदान Ex: he owns a controlling share of the companys stock अंशभूत Ex: Under the statute of partnership act, in absence of dead partners will share profits & loss equally. अग्रसूची Ex: Nowadays share prices are retreating. अधरांगा Ex: The slump occured in share market in USA in 1.. अधौत Ex: Due to slipage in the share market many people lost their money. अनुकरण करना Ex: The share market fluctuates widely at times. अपित्व Ex: death gets more than its share of attention from theologians अपित्वी Ex: Our family can share a free hold. अवकर्त Ex: Ram participated in the share of property. आँस Ex: Me and my sister share a good proximity. आदान प्रदान करना Ex: Don't try to fast-talk me out of my share . आपस में बाँटना Ex: Fuchs promised Ruth a share in the Braves' profits आबखुर्द Ex: The islands of the Comoros share mostly African-Arab origins. उपप्रदर्शन Ex: First selling his share for over 3,000 pounds उपसंख्यान Ex: Gentlemen did not share changing rooms with Players कालविभक्ति Ex: These two countries share a long lasting tradition in comics and comic books. कृंतत्र Ex: Olivetti took a controlling share of Acorn with 79% of shares. खाँडा़ Ex: The company went public at $5 a share खुंट Ex: The stock price went up to $16.50 a share गिट्ट Ex: Louisiana does have its share of cold fronts ज्येष्ठांश Ex: Thailand is by far the leading nation with a market share of more than 30% टुकडी़ Ex: The share of higher quality Criollos and Trinitarios is just under 5%. तार्तीय Ex: Wozzeck and Lulu share many of the same characteristics as described above पद् Ex: A Teller Assist Unit may also share many of the same components as an ATM पीस Ex: Chains of stones share their liberties. प्रयत्नशैथिल्य Ex: He offered to share his research field at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island. प्रयोग करना Ex: Rolls-Royce holds a major share of the global aerospace engines market. बताना Ex: The share of Nirvana's publishing was purchased by Primary Wave Music उ: उन्हें अपने निर्णयों के लिए कारण बताना चाहिए। बाँट लेना Ex: What all these thinkers share बाँटचूँट Ex: Arizona also has its share of singers and other musicians. बाँटना Ex: Both sexes share incubation duties. भाग लेना Ex: Both Koreas share the hangul writing system, called Chosongul in North Korea. भाग Ex: After gaining market share and popularity उ: गैन्डैफ़ ऑर्थैंक से भाग निकल कर रिवेन्डेल पहुँचा। भागहार Ex: As they share the same Dutch citizenship भागार्था Ex: Although the two fields share a common origin and a part of their methods भित्त Ex: Vying for market share are films by local producers भूमिभाग Ex: Early Germanic languages share a left-prominent prosodic pattern. योग Ex: A significant share of his income came from advertising. उ: उसी को योग के प्रकार से जाना जाने लगा। योगजफल Ex: George's theory drew its share of critiques. योगदर्शन Ex: The emirate's share in UAE's gas revenues is about 2%. योगसूत्र Ex: Constantine's share of the Empire consisted of Britain राशिभाग Ex: 63% of the modern Kyrgyz men share Haplogroup R1a1 with Tajiks वखरुह Ex: Internet Explorer began to see its usage share shrink. वटन Ex: For example, the share is around 94% in Japan, and around 56% in Germany. वितड़ना ‡ Ex: "IE6 had the lion's share of the browser market with 77.22%. वैभाजित्र Ex: Regardless of the actual market share व्यायुक Ex: Although ornithischian dinosaurs share the hip structure of modern birds व्यावर्ग Ex: SPÖ and ÖVP share about 75% of the parliamentary mandates शुक्लध्यान Ex: German and English also share many borrowings from other languages शेयर Ex: The three levels of governemnt equally share in the responsibilities उ: ये उन्हे शेयर बाज़ार से मिलता है। शौबा Ex: Apple’s small market share षड्भाग Ex: Regardless of the Mac’s market share संविभजन Ex: France provides the largest share of military assistance to Niger. सर्वांग Ex: , can share Billy's power and become "Marvels" themselves. साष्टांग योग Ex: The Big Three automakers have collectively lost market share to foreign rivals. हल का फल Ex: The state's share of total industrial output in India was 9.8% in 1980–81 हिस्सा करना Ex: These share similar orbital elements हिस्सा बखरा Ex: To the north, Montana and Canada share a 545 mile border. हिस्सा बाँटना Ex: European liberals share common positions with Christian Democrats. हिस्सा Ex: Multiple forms can share a medium , or one form can use multiple media. उ: कोटा कभी बूंदी राज्य का एक हिस्सा था। हीँसा ‡ Ex: They share a similar structure with ramjets ह्रित Ex: A group of organisms shares a common descent if they share a common ancestor.
Other : अंश पूंजी Ex: he wanted his share in cash अंश प्राप्त करना Ex: The share issues will be subscribed. अविभक्त Ex: He litigated his brother for a share in the property. अविभाजित Ex: Ram and Shayam are flatmates as they share the same flat. उ: २०११ जनगणना के अनुसार अविभाजित फिरोजपुर जिले की आबादी २०,२६,८३१ थी। आदा Ex: this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously खूँट Ex: These homes would share toilet facilities पत्ती Ex: Commerce, Transportation, and Interior share enforcement responsibilities. उ: पत्ती संवहनीय पादपों का एक अंग है। बखरा Ex: Furthermore, Oslo share several important functions with Akershus county. बाँट Ex: We all share offices. उ: कुछ चमकते तारों के समूह आकाश को विभिन्न भागों में बाँट देते हैं। बांट देना Ex: Nepalee is very similar to Hindi because the share same Sanskrit vocabulary. बांट लेना Ex: Dwarf planets share many of the same characteristics as planets बांटना Ex: Gutenberg is said to have promised to share a "secret". भाग करना Ex: Autistic children are less likely to make requests or share experiences भाग पाना Ex: I'll share it with all of you. भागी होना Ex: "IE6 had the lion's share of the browser market with 77.22%. शरीक होना Ex: The principal form of public transport in the country is share taxi शेअर भाग Ex: The country has had its share of MLB players सहभागी होना Ex: Sint Eustatius and Saint Martin share musical styles साझा Ex: Saba and Sint Eustatius largely share in the same folk instruments उ: उन्होंने मैथ्यू चीडिड के साथ भी मंच साझा किया है। हल का लोहा Ex: They share many characteristics common to planets हिस्सा लेना Ex: Many liberals share values with environmentalists, such as the Green Party.
Share ki paribhasha : ghode ki pith par palaan aadi ke niche rakhane ke liye phaal ya sookhi ghaas aadi ka dohara kiya hua vah muththa jisapar taat aadi lapeta rahata hai utani vastu jisani kuchh adhik vastu men se alag ki jaay kisi chij ke kai bhaag karake alag alag rakhana bhinn ki lakir ke oopar ki snkhya do athava adhik padaarthon ka ek men milana kisi kaarabaar men lagi hui pooanji ka hissa jo usamen shaamil honevaala har ek aadami lagaave phati puraani bagadi jo niche rahati hai aur jisake oopar achchhi pagadi baaandhi jaati hai
ExamplesUsage of Share in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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