Shelter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shelter
As noun : अंतरपट Ex:  Some voluntary organisations are trying hard to shelter the orphans.
अंतरपाट Ex:  I need shelter for one night. अनाक्रांतना Ex:  I gave shelter to a puppy. अभिसंश्रय Ex:  food and shelter are necessities of life अभिसंश्रय Ex:  food and shelter are necessities of life अभिसरन Ex:  Those who had no home took shelter in the nearby doss house अवष्टंभ Ex:  Highway overpasses are extremely bad shelter during tornadoes . आढ़ Ex:  Food and shelter were available the day after the storm. आतपत्र, आतपत्रक Ex:  Many animals rely on plants for shelter as well as oxygen and food. आश्रय देना Ex:  The inadequate shelter आश्रय Ex:  A shelter against the storm उ:   यह भाग उसकी सभी प्रकार की भोगेच्छाओं का आश्रय है। आसरा Ex:  A shelter covered with corrugated iron आसिरा Ex:  Action Railway to cars to shelter or in reserve on some of the tracks provided for that purpose उपघ्प Ex:  Building lean or isolated, formed a high roof on stone pillars or poles, and usually intended to serve as a shelter for carts, to harvest, to goods or to aeronautical equipment उपसंग्रह Ex:  Find shelter in the house of a friend उवारा Ex:  Fortification Sort of armored shelter with a roof to the test उष्णघ्न Ex:  He also said the same shelter form, which is used on the beaches उष्णवारण Ex:  He will find in the house of such a protective shelter against the violence of his enemies ऊती Ex:  Here the storm, take shelter us ओक्य Ex:  If shelter from heat ओट Ex:  If shelter from the rain under a lean-to उ:   मैं बेवस्त्र खड्या ओट बिड़े की साची मान लिए तू। ओल्ह Ex:  If shelter from the sun औलान Ex:  If shelter to कुटिका Ex:  If shelter under the umbrella of someone कुटिया Ex:  In terms of the navy, it also means an armored shelter to protect during an attack, controlling the rudder and transmission orders उ:   यहां उसे एक कुटिया और आम का पेड़ मिला। कुटिर Ex:  In the seats, is made ditches, shoulders, for shelter against the barrel खरगेह Ex:  It also means figuratively Place one thing against another that serves as support or shelter खर्परिका Ex:  It is a place extremely open, where there is shelter Point गोपीथ Ex:  It means even guarantee, to shelter an inconvenience, danger छँह Ex:  lightweight fabric shelter mounted on whales, now replaced by flexible metal rods, and that making to preserve the rain छतरी Ex:  Loneliness is a shelter against the world's embarrassment उ:   इनकी एक छतरी करौथा में भी बनाई गयी है। छत्रछाँह Ex:  MANTELET expressed in terms of War, a machine comprising Sort several planks, we pushed ahead, in attacking places to shelter छाँई Ex:  Mediocrity is a shelter against the blows of fortune छाया Ex:  Tap, natural or artificial sea inland, offering boat shelter against the winds and storms उ:   चन्द्रमा और सूर्य की छाया के साथ-साथ चलते हैं। छायामित्र Ex:  There are living and shelter छावँ Ex:  These fishermen shelter hastily in barracks while returning from fishing छाहर Ex:  to be at the shelter of a wood, protected by a wall छिपना Ex:  To enter, take shelter in a train station जंगमकुटी Ex:  transitively in terms of agriculture, Wintering cattle, put the shelter in the stables जायपनाह Ex:  We looked a shelter under trees झाँई, झाँई Ex:  Who is not protected by a shelter, where it does not exist shelter झोँपड़ी Ex:  It means even guarantee, shelter डिफेंस Ex:  port of salvation, Place where we retired to the shelter from a storm तकनापु Ex:  We also said the food and shelter दारमदार दुड़ना दुपकना दृष्टिरोध पठंगा पदमूल पनाह उ:   शहर पनाह का उत्तरी हिस्सा १९०० ई० में बना है। परछहियाँ परिवारता परिश्रित पीट पठिंगा प्रतिवार बचाना मआज मार्तड़वल्लभा मूर्द्धकर्परी म्लानि रक्षा करना रक्षा उ:   भारतीय सरकार ने रक्षा बजट और बढ़ाया। रुपोशी रोक्ना वासयष्टि वृषय व्यपाश्रय व्याश्रय शरण लेना शरण स्थान शरण स्थाल शरण उ:   उन्होंने भारत में शरण ली। शरनाई शरनी शीतातपत्र शेड उ:   ये ओपन शेड होंगे ताकि पशुओं को हवा-पानी की प्राकृतिक सुविधा मिल सकें। श्रय श्राय संत्राण संप्रश्न सत्रापश्रय सभुपस्तंभ समुपष्टभ सरन ‡ सव्यपेक्ष सहायता करना सुरक्षा उ:   सुरक्षा वार्तालाप दो दिनों तक चला। सुविधा उ:   यहाँ फ्लैट,जमीन ओर पॉकेट की सुविधा उपलब्ध है। सूर्यपत्नी स्थानाश्रय हस्तावलंब हिफा़ज़त हिफ्ज
Other : अवलंब Ex:  Travelers were forced to take shelter and wait for things to clear up. आड Ex:  Their purpose was to give shelter and education to children who were abandoned आड़ Ex:  MRQ-12 direct air support vehicles, S250 shelter carriers, and in other roles. आलंब Ex:  Food and shelter were offered to the needy in these centres. आश्रय लेना Ex:  They show that poverty means hunger and lack of shelter . आड़ Ex:  Asylum, retirement, where one seeks shelter उपरोध Ex:  Enclosed shelter built for the hens, where they lay where they are made to smolder, where they roost ओझल Ex:  If shelter from rain, wind, bad weather छाँव Ex:  Port Sea Town or location on the edge of the sea and offering shelter to vessels उ:   माँ के आँचल की छाँव और पिता का दुलार भी नहीं मिला। छाँह Ex:  Search, find shelter, shelter उ:   ;घूंघट विपट छाँह बिनु विहरत ,रविकर कुलहिं ड़रात। त्राण बधाना रक्षक उ:   एक हिंसक व रक्षक के बीच संवाद भी इस भाग में उपलब्ध है। शरण मे जाना शरण में जाना संरक्षक उ:   यह गांव के देवता की पूजा है जिसे जनजाति के संरक्षक माना जाता है। साया
Shelter ki paribhasha : aisi sthiti men karana jisamen kisi ko dikhaayi na pade ya pata na chale aisi sthiti men hona jahaaan se dikhaayi na pade aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena raajaaon ki chita ya saadhu mahaatmaaon ki samaadhi ke sthaan par smaarak roop se bana hua chhajjedaar mndp kisi se sahaayata paane ka nishchay prakaash ka abhaav jo usaki kiranon ke vyavadhaan ke kaaran kisi sthaan par hota hai aapaatti, kasht ya naash aadi se bachaana rok jisase saamane ki vastu dikhaayi na pade ya aur koi prabhaav na dal sake shatru se, snkat ya kasht se bachaav ya raksha paane ki kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Shelter in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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