Shin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shin
As noun : नरहर Ex:  Kicked in the shin during a game उ:   विज्ञान-कथा, भाग दूसरा, प्रह्लाद नरहर जोशी, जनवरी १९५३।
हाथ पैर के सहारे से जाना
As verb : चढ़ना Ex:  After a successful operation to remove parts of his affected shin bone
Other : अग्र जंघा Ex:  I will shin up the ladder to reach the upper floor. नली या नरहर Ex:  shin पैर का अगला भाग Ex:  Who belongs Anatomy, which compared to shin
Shin ki paribhasha : nal ke aakaar ki bhitar se poli haddi jisamen majja bhi hota hai yaugik shabdon ke ant men prayukt pair ki vah haddi jo pindli ke oopar hoti hai
Usage of Shin in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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