Shorthand meaning in hindi
As noun : आशुलिपि Ex:  Several systems of shorthand use diacritics for vowels उ: हिन्दी टंकण, हिन्दी आशुलिपि का अनिवार्य प्रशिक्षण आरम्भ किया गया।
आशुलिपिक Ex:  Some believe Andes is Old Spanish shorthand for "Andenes" or "Andenerías". त्वरित सांकेतिक चिन्ह लिपि Ex:  The common shorthand name for cases is typically the first party . शीघ्रलिपि Ex:  of both genders who belongs to the shorthand शौर्टहैण्ड Ex:  of both genders who belongs to the shorthand संक्षिप्त लिपि Ex:  One of the two genres, one who knows and convenient shorthand संक्षिप्ताक्षरलिपी Ex:  Those who practice shorthand
Other : मुख्तसरनवीसी Ex:  In that instance, the name of the second party is the shorthand name. संक्षेप लेख Ex:  write in symbols according to the rules of the shorthand
ExamplesUsage of Shorthand in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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