Shrill meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shrill
As noun : तिग्मतेज Ex:  shrill cry that sounds an animal yelped
तीखा उ:   उस समय की सामाजिक दशा पर यह एक तीखा व्यंग है। शाणित
As verb : कर्णभेदी Ex:  Bald Eagles normally squeak and have a shrill cry, punctuated by grunts. खतंगर Ex:  A shrill voice of his खरस्पर्श Ex:  A shrill voice, a clear voice that strongly acute and strikes the ear तत्ती Ex:  Having the shrill voice तिक्षि Ex:  Inflammation Medicine shrill तिग्मतेज Ex:  shrill cry that sounds an animal yelped तिच्छ Ex:  The shrill whistle of a locomotive तिच्छन Ex:  Zoology Insect Hemiptera that flying produces a shrill and monotonous sound by rubbing two elastic membranes placed in the first ring of the abdomen तिच्छना Ex:  , A voice rattling, a shrill and unpleasant voices तिरीछन Ex:  , Tearing ear, ears, says discordant sounds, shrill sounds unpleasantly affect the sense of hearing तिष्षिय Ex:  By analogy, Steam Whistle, device that produces a shrill sound in the steam pressure तीक्ष्ण उ:   इसी भाग को ही तीक्ष्ण कटक या अरेत कहते हैं। तीच्छन पर्ष प्रविविक्त उ:   र और ल के अधिक तीव्र रूप भी हैं। विशित
Shrill ki paribhasha : jyotish men moola, aarda्raa, jyeshthaa, ashvini aur revati nakshatron men budh ki gati jisaka svaad bahut tej ya charapara ho
Usage of Shrill in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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