Shroud meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shroud
As noun : अंतरपट Ex:  She didnt have money to buy a shroud for her husband.
अंतरपाट Ex:  The shroud of clouds concealed the sun. कफ़न में लपेटना Ex:  Various tests have been performed on the shroud छिटका Ex:  It specifically means Wrap in a shroud जहाज के मस्तूल की रस्सी झरपपु तिरस्करी पड़द्दा परदा उ:   मैं परदा उठाकर बाहर आ गया। पैराशूट की रस्सी प्रतिसीरा बरांड़ल वाससू शववस्त्र ढकना
As verb : अठागूहन Ex:  McDaniel wrote: "I desire a white casket and a white shroud गुज्झाना Ex:  But even if there were blood on the shroud छा Ex:  This cloth was then presumably removed before the shroud was applied. छिपाना छिपावना झंपना झपावना दुकानापु दुरावना संछादन संवार ह्नवन
Other : कफन Ex:  The shroud is the subject of intense debate among some scientists उ:   कफन एक हिन्दी फिल्म है। कफ़न Ex:  The shroud is rectangular, measuring approximately 4.4 x 1.1 m . कफ़न Ex:  It could be the blood of someone wrapped in the shroud मुर्दा लपेटने की चादर मुर्दे पर कपडा डालना मुर्दे पर कपड़ा डालना शव परिधान
Shroud ki paribhasha : vah kapad jisamen murda lapetakar gaad ya phooanka jaata hai aisi sthiti men karana jisamen kisi ko dikhaayi na pade ya pata na chale kisi vastu ke niche padkar dikhaayi na dena vah kapada, tatti aadi jisake saamane padne se koi sthaan ya vastu logon ki drashti se chhipi rahe
Usage of Shroud in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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