Shrug meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shrug
As noun : कंधे उचकाना Ex:  He made a shrug
स्कंध कंपन Ex:  This makes shrug
As verb : कँधा उचकाना या झाड़ना Ex:  and fam , shrug His actions, his actions fall, is said of someone whose reputation, whose credit is increasing or decreasing
Other : कन्धा झाडना Ex:  n It 'There is no answer to this, one has only shrug कन्धा झाड़ना Ex:  Shrugging, shrug his shoulders, shrugging Testify shoulders dislike a thing, it offends, and more often than it inspires contempt कन्धा सिकोडना या ऊपर करना या झाडना Ex:  The shares shrug कन्धा सिकोड़ना या ऊपर करना या झाड़ना Ex:  There is nothing to say to that, he n ' are only shrug सिकोडना Ex:  There is nothing to say to that, there is only shrug his shoulders सिकोड़ना Ex:  This makes me shrug
Shrug ki paribhasha : bikhari hui chijon ki ikattha karana
Usage of Shrug in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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