Shy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shy
As noun : अनेड़ा Ex:  she was girlishly shy
अपासन Ex:  Dont sell your students short--they are just shy and dont show off their knowledge अलग्ग Ex:  he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman आरात् Ex:  She eased the shy child along . उत्प्रास Ex:  You twit! You're two bricks shy of a load . उदसन Ex:  I can understand why the dog would shy away . उद्धूनन Ex:  I'm too shy to speak up . उरेपु Ex:  Despite being shy and reserved उलछारना् Ex:  Eleanor was shy and disliked social life ओलग Ex:  For the most part, bears are shy and are easily frightened of humans. घलाहल Ex:  Character of the man who is shy छनकान Ex:  He is shy and embarrassed, he takes it from his father झीँकना Ex:  The hare is naturally shy दरकिनार Ex:  , Tastes and ideas bolder and younger people are shy and antiquated दूर Ex:  , There is no cure for fear, The impressions made fear of a shy person can not erase some vain reason whatsoever उ:   इसे देखने दूर दूर से लोग मणिपुर आते हैं। फरके Ex:  , This is a man without so, says an easy man to live; along with a man who bit shy with others and puts them at ease फरक्क ‡ फिकना फेंकना बीकट मोकना रालना लजोहा विनिक्षेप विस्तुर व्युदास शर्मीला उ:   मोर शर्मीला पक्षी है जो सहवास एकांत में ही करता है। सँकोची संकोची उ:   इसीलिए इसको संकोची धानी कहते हैं। सन्यासन ह्रीकु ह्रीधारी
As adjective : अवगनना Ex:  I shy away from this task कम Ex:  She was not at all pretty, but seemed modest and quite shy . उ:   इन वनों में अन्य प्रकार के वृक्ष कम ही होते हैं। खाँगो Ex:  One is not always cautious or impulsive, shy or friendly . घटबढ़ Ex:  Approach shy छुच्छ Ex:  He is shy with women, women with छेहडा Ex:  It is a shy child, take him gently छोहनार Ex:  It is wise like a girl Young said of a shy man, modest and manners rows शर्मीली उ:   ;;;;वह बनारस से एक १६ साल की शर्मीली लड़की है। सोदधित्व स्वल्पेच्छ हृस्व
Other : कचिया Ex:  Though Madison was a shy man कचिया Ex:  Never someone to shy away from controversial topics चौंक जाना Ex:  Do not be shy this point for you चौकन्ना Ex:  figuratively, it means Who blushed shy or ashamed झेंपना Ex:  This young man is very shy in the world भडकना ना भीरु भड़कैल लजीला लज्जा लाज उ:   चलते समय लाज के कारण उर्वशी राजा से विदा नहीं माँग सकी। शर्म उ:   इधर भूखों मरने की नौबत, उधर शर्म से मुँह छुपाने की जगह नही। सलज्ज उ:   महाभारत की शकुन्तला भी कालिदास की भांति सलज्ज नहीं है।
Shy ki paribhasha : baat kaatanevaala vyakti antaःkaran ki vah avastha jisamen svabhaavataः athava apane kisi bhadde ya bure aacharan ki bhaavana ke kaaran vasaron ke saamane vrattiyaaan snkuchit ho jaati hain, chepta mnd pad jaati hai, muanh se, shavd nahin nikalata sir nicha ho jaata hai aur saamane taaka nahin jaata desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par jise snkoch ya lajja ho
Usage of Shy in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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