Sick meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sick
As noun : अँवली— Ex:  The sick men urinated blood
अग्रन Ex:  the sick child cried pathetically अदर्शनोय Ex:  I took sick leave as I was suffering from Malaria. अभ्यमित Ex:  She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital अमो Ex:  They segregated the seriously sick and sent them to the intensive care. असौष्ठव Ex:  He has a sick mentality. आमयावी Ex:  John was sick all night long . आविद्ध Ex:  I am afraid my little boy is sick . आसहर Ex:  John came to help in place of Max, who was sick . उपतप्त Ex:  She's pipped and ready to get sick . उबांत Ex:  Mary was sick of being stuck in traffic . उलटी Ex:  He's been sick in bed for nearly a week . उ:   यह औद्योगीकरण की उलटी प्रक्रिया है। उल्टी Ex:  The sick man was subject to dizzy spells . उ:   दर्दो के साथ जी मिचलाने तथा उल्टी होने की शिकायत भीहो सकती है। औंड़ी Ex:  McGowan was often sick and unable to work on the series कुंढंगा Ex:  Despite his father's effort to remove the sick कुढ़ंग Ex:  In fact, African elephants rarely lie down unless they are sick or wounded. गदी Ex:  When Robinson was sick with his various ailments गालोडित Ex:  After Antietam, Ewing was placed on sick leave because of chronic dysentery. गोबरगणेश Ex:  One of the more famous edicts concerned the status of sick slaves. छर्दि Ex:  Jesus replied that it was the sick who need a physician, not the healthy . जी मिचलाता हुआ Ex:  Crowley can certainly be accused of having a sick sense of humour. त्यक्तात्मा Ex:  He was often sick with what his mother reportedly called "the devil's cold". थुँदला Ex:  12.2% of men and 8.6% women are permanently sick or disabled. थेंथर Ex:  They are rubbed against the bodies of the sick धपित Ex:  A good, poor sick धमधूसर Ex:  A sick curable धूपाथित Ex:  A sick expiring नाउम्मेद Ex:  A sick sentenced नाचाक Ex:  All my people are sick निभरोसी Ex:  Bring God to a sick निराश Ex:  Bring the Viaticum of a sick उ:   निराश और मृतप्राय हिन्दुओं में जीवन का संचार हुआ। निष्कांत Ex:  Cantonment cattle field Reserved for sick cattle प्रविषण्ण Ex:  Depression physical and moral d a sick बीमार Ex:  Ensure to a sick उ:   वे कुछ समय से बीमार थीं। बेढब Ex:  Exit nurse, sick Exit बेढ़ंगा Ex:  Feeding a weak or sick more than would be necessary in the normal state, to increase its resistance Jurisprudence बेवजा Ex:  He also said, speaking of a doctor, a surgeon who is going to see a sick ब्योंची ‡ Ex:  He is sick there three years it languished भद्दा Ex:  He said he was sick भिन्नहृदय Ex:  I found him sick and devoid of मरीज़ Ex:  I have a horse A sick dog रंजूर Ex:  In terms of medicine, he said, the statement of changes in temperature of a sick रुजग्रस्त Ex:  It also tells of Physicians and means Cure, give her care of a sick रोगहा Ex:  It became so concerned that he is sick रोगी Ex:  It is familiar, except in this sentence: Having homesick, being sad, depressed, sick because it is away from his country and that eager to return उ:   रोगी के सम्मान व जरूरतों का ध्यान रखें। विरुप Ex:  Lift sick in bed व्याधिग्रस्त Ex:  sick व्याध्यार्त Ex:  Sit sick साकल्यक Ex:  The healing of the sick is in very good path स्राम Ex:  The poor man was sick a long time, but finally he walked in उ:   न इस देह के वध से नष्ट भी होता है और न इसकी स्रामता से स्राम होता है । हलाकान ‡ Ex:  This horse is on the litter, he is sick or crippled to not get out of the stable हैराँ Ex:  This man has a sick stomach, it rejects all it takes, He vomits हैरान Ex:  This tree is sick in its roots उ:   इन अविष्कारों को जिसने देखा वो हैरान था। होज Ex:  To console the afflicted, the sick
As verb : छाडना, छाड़ना Ex:  Plain milk was not consumed by adults except the poor or sick वमति Ex:  It is mortally wounded, sick mortally वमन करना Ex:  It is sick in bed समुद् गिरण Ex:  Stretcher for injured, sick
As adjective : अँवलउ Ex:  He has been sick for many days. अकल्य Ex:  they devote their lives to caring for the sick अकुलाता Ex:  She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it. अखलि Ex:  they put him in the sick bay असुस्थ Ex:  Syringes are used for injecting medicines in the body of a sick person. अस्वस्थ Ex:  He is sick about these shindigs. उ:   वह कई वर्षों से अस्वस्थ थे और उन्हें चार बाद दिल का दौरा पड़ चुका था। आर्त, आर्त्त Ex:  I have to call in sick today . आविग्न Ex:  How's Bill doing? I heard he was sick . उत्पिंजर Ex:  I was so sick I couldn't keep myself at my work . उलटी आना Ex:  Tom is sick in bed with the f lu . ऊबा हुआ Ex:  I took sick with a bad cold last week . गालोडित Ex:  After Antietam, Ewing was placed on sick leave because of chronic dysentery. नाचाक Ex:  All my people are sick परिमूढ़ Ex:  Carousel Who is sick as a result of fatigue, speaking of a horse पर्युत्सुक Ex:  Carry the Blessed Sacrament to the sick बिहबल Ex:  Ensure a sick बेताब Ex:  Have look sick बेहाल Ex:  He is sick chest विमर्षित Ex:  It served his sick friend, his old mother crippled विमूढ़संज्ञ Ex:  It spoils the child, she shoves sweets to make him sick विलक्खा Ex:  Military Hospital, where property received and treated the sick and wounded soldiers विलक्षित Ex:  My dog is sick विललंती Ex:  My son is sick विषमधातु Ex:  Nothing is able to repeat a sick like good air विसूत्र Ex:  Operate a sick विहस्तित Ex:  PART is said of some parts of the body, considered as healthy or as sick व्याकर्ण Ex:  Purge a sick व्याकुल Ex:  Put a sick उ:   उसके बाद कोमल हृदय माता पार्वती पुत्र स्नेह में व्याकुल हो उठीं। व्याक्षिप्त Ex:  SALLE says specifically in the Hospitals, the dormitories where the sick beds सम्मूढ़ Ex:  Taking the temperature of a sick ससंभ्रम Ex:  The healing of the sick हतचेता Ex:  There will be three weeks Thursday he is sick हलबला Ex:  These plants, the trees are sick
Other : उबा हुआ Ex:  I'm sick of you, and I'm leaving . किसी रोग से पीडित Ex:  Meanwhile Conrad fell sick and returned to Constantinople किसी रोग से पीड़ित Ex:  Elizabeth fell sick and remained in a "settled and unremovable melancholy". जिसका जी मचलता हो Ex:  When Gray returned from his sick leave in January 1973 माँदा Ex:  I'm sick to stay in bed रुग्ण Ex:  In terms of the navy, he said in a bed Sort which serves, on buildings, the officers, passengers and crew sick रोग Ex:  It also works in terms of surgery, to designate the review of internal body parts, sick or suspicious, using instruments or special processes उ:   सन् १९५४ में अमरकान्त को हृदय रोग हो गया था। रोगार्त्त Ex:  It falls sick, he just sick
Sick ki paribhasha : bahut teji se badhakar koi chij le lena jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho vah jo bhay ya duःkh ke kaaran itana ghabara gaya ho ki kuchh samajh na sake jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho maalakhnbh ki ek kasarat jisamen khilaadi ki pith maalakhnbh ki or aur saamana dekhanevaalon ki or rahata hai shrama, kasht ya jhnjhat se vyaakul
Usage of Sick in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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