Sight meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sight
As noun : अक्षिभू Ex:  The sight of Taj mahal is immemorial.
अभासना Ex:  He lost his sight in an accident. अवलोकन करना Ex:  The gory sight of the accident revolted her. अवलोकनि Ex:  impaired eyesight अवीक्षण Ex:  The sight of that buffalo is pitiful. असंषित्त Ex:  The dog cringed at the sight of a stick. आदृष्टि Ex:  Shuster's eyesight began to deteriorate आभात Ex:  They have taken out their van for a run around the city for sight seeing. आलयम Ex:  I can't stand the sight of cooked carrots . उद्गगम Ex:  Ratzinger suffered a stroke, which slightly impaired his eyesight temporarily. उद्वोक्षण Ex:  His eyesight deteriorating, he relied increasingly on his mother's help. उपद्रष्टा Ex:  I cannot keep him in sight day and night . उल्बण Ex:  I know all my employees by sight . चक्षा Ex:  These five submarines were developed under the watchful sight of Arthur l. चक्षा Ex:  These five submarines were developed under the watchful sight of Arthur l. चिंतावेश्म Ex:  Guderian's army had to stop within sight of the city on October 29 जलवा Ex:  Perhaps its most famous sight is the Zytglogge जागाहपु Ex:  Ole Rømer deduced that sight is not instantaneous ठह Ex:  These are very large in species that hunt by sight ठहियाँ Ex:  Having lost his sight at an early age ठही Ex:  "stretched to the limit of sight in both directions". ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex:  Another common sight at the medieval dinner table was the frumenty ठाँम Ex:  Without a resolution in sight ठाँयँ Ex:  If binaries happen to orbit in a plane containing our line of sight ठामपु Ex:  They are: Most sight gags fit into one or more of these categories. ठारपु Ex:  Limerick, a sight not seen since the 19th century. ठाव Ex:  Guinea pigs have poor sight but well-developed senses of hearing,smell ठिन Ex:  1596 — Spaniard Alvaro de Mendana is the first European to sight the islands. ठोड Ex:  Spaniard Alvaro de Mendana is the first European to sight the islands. ठौहर Ex:  Even Rodya gets disgusted by the sight of it. डिठि Ex:  Once a common sight in much of the continent डीठनापु Ex:  They are just in the same line of sight in the sky . ढेढ Ex:  His eyesight diminishes increasingly तकन Ex:  All what is offered, what is presented to the sight तकनापु Ex:  at the sight of in the presence of तारनी Ex:  Bird of prey whose sight is extremely sharp, which forms a kind of order and Raptors that once stood for hunting तुमकना Ex:  Body of sight थंड Ex:  Boucher sight of an object, see the Prevent थहण Ex:  Cran pattern, Nick practiced on the barrel of a gun with the handlebars to determine the line of sight थाँण Ex:  doctor who treats various diseases of the eye and corrects imperfections of sight थाय Ex:  For the love of God, in the sight of pleasing God दर्शन Ex:  For the love of God, in the sight of pleasing God उ:   मन्दिर में ऑनलाइन दर्शन की भी व्यवस्था है। दर्शनीय स्थान Ex:  Harmful to health in the sight दिखाई देना Ex:  He had the imagination struck by the sight दिट्ठि Ex:  He received his sight दिष्टवान Ex:  He was running so hard, that I had soon lost sight दीठी Ex:  He was surprised at the sight of so many wonders दृश Ex:  His scruples, fears revived at the sight of death दृश Ex:  His scruples, fears revived at the sight of death दृश्य Ex:  I have found that distance at eye sight and without measuring उ:   इसके तटों पर अनेक प्राकृतिक दृश्य बड़े मनोरम हैं। दृष्टि शक्ति Ex:  I have found that this distance 'eye sight and without measuring दृष्टि Ex:  I have lost sight of this case, I ceased to take care of, and I know where she is or what she has become उ:   इस दृष्टि से देखा जाए तो यह एक समुद्र है। दृष्टिक्षेट्र Ex:  If tamed with danger, with vice, Get used at the sight of danger, like the vice देवभवन Ex:  In terms of gardening, wolf jump, Ditch that is made after driveway at the end of a park or a garden, to defend the entrance without taking off without limit sight दोद Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, Law of view, Law relating to real property, whereby a neighboring building can intercept his sight धिष्णय Ex:  In terms of Marine Drive along the coast, Sailing along the coast so as not to lose sight too ध्यान से देखना Ex:  In the presence of everyone in the sight of all the world नज्जारा Ex:  It is moved by the sight of suffering नज्जारा Ex:  It is moved by the sight of suffering नाट्यवेदी Ex:  Jesus Christ has restored sight to the blind, speech to the dumb नास्तिक दर्शन Ex:  Long sight or Spyglass Telescope निगाह Ex:  Losing Land of Said That building has enough land for departures _him_ hjälper sight उ:   उन्होंने छोटी रानी पर निगाह रखनी शुरु कर दी। निधा Ex:  Losing Land said of a building that departs enough land for him to lose sight निभार Ex:  Losing Land said of a building that moves away enough of the earth to lose sight निरीक्षण करना Ex:  Much light hits the sight निशाना लगाना Ex:  of both genders who is deprived of the sense of sight परभूता Ex:  PRESERVED, plural, says glasses that grow little objects that are specially prepared not to tire or to keep sight पर्यटन करना Ex:  Prima First, From first sight at first sight पेखनापु Ex:  Rolling eyes, eye movement by which one turns aside and on the other, so that the sight seems misplaced पोजीशन Ex:  Sort visor, usually trimmed or lined with green silk, which is placed above the eyes, to ensure the sight of too great burst of light प्रकटना Ex:  Such a sight has touched his heart प्रचुर Ex:  The colors are the objects of sight उ:   कुङमाली लोक-भाषा में पहेलियों का प्रचुर भण्डार है। प्रचूर Ex:  The first sight of this garden is quite nice प्रासुक Ex:  The greenery rests sight प्रेक्षणक Ex:  The mere sight of this man causes her clenching प्रेक्षणीयक Ex:  The sense of sight प्रेत्यभाव Ex:  The ship came in sight of the coast मनमानिब ‡ Ex:  The sight of armed force retained the मलुकाना Ex:  The sight of this castle is very varied माट्रा Ex:  The sight of this monument made a great impression on me मात्रा Ex:  The victory parade was a beautiful sight उ:   लम्बे समय तक अधिक मात्रा में सेवन करना। मुबलिग Ex:  The view is obscured in old age In old age, the sight diminishes, weakens मुहाचहीं Ex:  The wine made with excess weakens the nerves, weakens the brain, weakens the sight मेकदार Ex:  The wine recreates the spirits, wine revives the spirits, Green recreates the view, Green is pleasant to the sight मौताद Ex:  They are there a lot of fools who think of sight लक्षक Ex:  They say well, speaking of glasses to read They are, they not to my point, the distance at which they converge light rays suitable or not suitable for my sight लरझर ‡ Ex:  This article satisfies the sight लौँकना Ex:  This is beyond the reach of my sight विंटक Ex:  This restores sight eye विक्षित Ex:  This thing was done in view of everyone, in full sight everybody, everybody saw it, was known, everyone has seen, was educated in विगुल्फ Ex:  This wall prevents the sight वेढ Ex:  This wood finishes pleasantly sight शय्यागृह Ex:  To deprive a man of the sight of his children, his wife, his friends शरसंधान Ex:  to the face at the sight of the enemy, even in presence of the enemy शालिकी Ex:  Too bright colors hurt the sight संघानना Ex:  VUE also said the same Body of sight for the eyes, looks for समेधित Ex:  Which of the two genres can be seen, which is the object of sight सिताँ Ex:  Whoever sight स्थान Ex:  Why does he done that, what are his views? What view he did this? Do all things in the sight of God, in the sight of his salvation उ:   यह स्थान १८ महाशक्तिपीठों में से एक है। स्थानपाल Ex:  , Eyes closed, eyes closed, without needing the help of sight स्थानाश्रय Ex:  , Have had a look that says Women, while pregnant were deeply affected by the sight of an object and give birth to children in any marked signs attributed to this cause स्थाम Ex:  , I lost sight of this man, I stopped seeing him, to meet him in the world स्फिर Ex:  , Melting sight eye, Lose weight quickly हौश Ex:  , Torment of Tantalus, reported a person obliged to deprive yourself of anything that is offered to the sight and the tent
As verb : अरसपरस Ex:  the ship disappeared behind the horizon and passed out of sight अवकखन Ex:  The sight of the mottle is given me pleasure. उदीक्षण Ex:  This chair is a heap sight better than that one . उद्वोक्षण Ex:  His eyesight deteriorating, he relied increasingly on his mother's help. झिकना Ex:  They threw spears at the wombat but lost sight of it in the darkness. तकन Ex:  All what is offered, what is presented to the sight तकनापु Ex:  at the sight of in the presence of तष्षना Ex:  Bird of prey of the family Aquilides in sight तारनी Ex:  Bird of prey whose sight is extremely sharp, which forms a kind of order and Raptors that once stood for hunting दिच्छना Ex:  He received his sight दीदारी Ex:  His pain was revived at the sight दृश Ex:  His scruples, fears revived at the sight of death दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  In full sight of everyone देखना Ex:  In religious language, The blessed possess eternal glory, possess God, They enjoy eternal glory, they enjoy the sight of God उ:   इस दिन यहां नीलकंठ पक्षी को देखना बहुत ही शुभ माना जाता है। निभार Ex:  Losing Land said of a building that moves away enough of the earth to lose sight पेखनापु Ex:  Rolling eyes, eye movement by which one turns aside and on the other, so that the sight seems misplaced प्रतिचक्षण Ex:  The green rests the sight बेखना Ex:  The sight of a gun, a rifle मुशाहदा Ex:  The weakening of sight समालोक Ex:  We were given a pleasant sight
Other : आँख Ex:  it was love at first sight उ:   वो उसकी आँख की सर्जरी करती है। ईक्षण Ex:  You look a sight better with your hair cut short . उ:   कहा जाता है, सृष्टि का मूल प्रजापति का ईक्षण अर्थात्‌ मन है। झाँकी Ex:  The combat sight was graduated to 430 m उ:   मंदिर परिसर में गोवर्धन पर्वत की सजीव झाँकी बनायी गयी है। नजर Ex:  It also means Who is pleasant to the sight that pleases the eyes उ:   जिसकी वजह से दुश्मन राजाओं की नजर इस पर रहती थी। नज़र Ex:  It has long he will and use the sight of all the world उ:   अब उनकी नज़र में उस युवक का महत्व और बढ़ गया। नज़ारा Ex:  It hurts, dazzles, delights the sight उ:   घाटी से राकापोशी का नज़ारा बहुत सुंदर है। नजारा Ex:  It is deprived of sight उ:   यहां से समुद्र का नजारा बेहद आकर्षक लगता है। निशाना Ex:  offending sight उ:   "एक बार मैंने शिकार खेलते हुए एक वाण मृग की ओर निशाना लगाकर छोड़ा। नज़र Ex:  OFFERING also means figuratively Present at the sight or in mind नज़ारा Ex:  Optical Affection of sight as a result of which we see only half of the items लक्ष्यदर्शी Ex:  they will be deprived of the sight of God
Sight ki paribhasha : vah jisapar taak kar kisi astr ya shastr aadi ka vaar kiya jaay stri ya purush ka doosare purush ya stri kau laalasa ya prem ki drashti se dekhana vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake vah shabd jo snbndh ya prayojan se apana arth soochit kare kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana dekhane ki vratti ya shakti vah padaarth jo aaankhon ke saamane ho vah bodh jo drashti ke dvaar ho
Usage of Sight in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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