Sign meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sign
As noun : अतिसर्ग Ex:  She authorized her assistant to sign the papers
आज्ञादान Ex:  My zodiac sign is that of Aries इशारत Ex:  She is born under the star sign of Libra. इशारा करना Ex:  She doesnt show any sign of repentance. इशारा Ex:  He never bothered about his duty which is the sign of defeatism. उ:   चीनी कांटों को इस्तेमाल करने का इशारा नहीं करना चाहिए। इशारात Ex:  Sir could you sign the hotel register please? इसारत Ex:  Please sign on the dotted line ईमा Ex:  Will you sign this, madam?. उद्घटित Ex:  Please sign the agreement. उपक्षेपण Ex:  After winning the election the party workers showed `v sign with the first
and second fingers
उपाचिति Ex:  The truck jolted to a stop at the stop sign . एकपात Ex:  The sign on the tree said, “No Trespassing . काम देना Ex:  Mary ran down a stop sign . क्रूस का चिन्ह बनाना Ex:  Who will sign for Mr . चिन्ह Ex:  We usually sign on at six in the morning . उ:   इसका चिन्ह कु्म्भ है। चिह्न Ex:  We will sign up as soon as possible . उ:   चिह्न से प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। चेतावनी सूचक Ex:  Tim came up to Gary's back and slapped on a sign . छा Ex:  Seventy women were hired at an annual salary of $1,200 to sign the notes. झोखना Ex:  At one time, a literate person was one who could sign his or her name. ठप्पा Ex:  No one sign is diagnostic of schizophrenia डेना Ex:  Malloum was forced to sign on March 27 the Benghazi Accord ढेरो Ex:  This type of sign is called a topper. तोँदा Ex:  The sign inventory was reduced from some 1,500 signs to some 600 signs दलालत Ex:  The first warning sign of a possible tsunami is the earthquake itself. दीधना Ex:  Genital warts are the only visible sign of HPV in men देना Ex:  In line 625, it is described as "a sign by Solomon". उ:   इस कारण से किसी स्थान से चंद्र ग्रहण दिखाई देना अधिक आम बात है। दोहदलक्षण Ex:  Depending on its sign नामनिशान Ex:  Each cell in the above table shows a sign नामपट्ट Ex:  Signs in different cells may actually be writing variants of a single sign निशान Ex:  1981, in Aspen, Colorado, Thompson ran a stop sign at 2 a. उ:   वह सभी के घर में उस तरह का निशान लगा देती है। निस्सान Ex:  From December 1998 digital projectors were briefly used for the Coke sign नीसान Ex:  Coca-Cola have had a sign at Piccadilly Circus since at least the 1950s. पटट Ex:  The current sign dates from September 2003 परिनिर्वपण Ex:  Sanyo's sign is the oldest out of the six परिस्कंध Ex:  McDonald's added a sign in the mid-1980s पूगकृत Ex:  Samsung replaced a sign for Panasonic in November 1994 प्रतिलक्षण Ex:  However this sign of life was later disputed by many scientists प्रतीक Ex:  This meant he was easily persuaded to sign official statements उ:   लिंगम - पूरे ब्रह्मांड का प्रतीक है। प्रभूतता Ex:  Bhumibol refused to sign the law. प्राग्भार Ex:  The most common sign language in Northern Ireland is British Sign Language बखसीसना ‡ Ex:  Even if Jesus had produced such a sign that Judaism recognized Ex:  For example, the ability to learn quickly could be a sign of intelligence. भाव मुद्रा Ex:  It was this sign that prevented Socrates from entering into politics. राशि Ex:  This was interpreted as a sign of the end of film photography. उ:   राशि स्वामी गुरु है तो नक्षत्र स्वामी सूर्य है। राशिभोग Ex:  Hellhound began to sign other Maryland bands लंछन Ex:  India has consistently refused to sign the CTBT and the NPT लक्खन Ex:  Constantine was uncertain of the meaning of the sign लक्षण Ex:  Only the President and Prime Minister sign decrees उ:   यह केवल रोग का एक लक्षण है। लखाइ Ex:  Otherwise, the President must sign the law. लच्छिन Ex:  They can be placed either: in front of the sign लोत Ex:  Thus, in 1729, he encouraged George to sign a peace treaty with Spain. वर्गणा Ex:  The other conferees agreed that if Japan did not sign the treaty by April 1937 विचेष्टित Ex:  Macbeth too submitted to him: Some have seen this as a sign of Macbeth's power विनिमेष, विनिमेषण Ex:  Lenin argued that Russia should immediately sign a peace treaty. विनिवेश Ex:  It is also used as a sign of respect for elders. विप्लुट् Ex:  Placement of the currency sign varies from nation to nation. विलेभा Ex:  Isis is most often seen holding only the generic ankh sign and a simple staff विष्टब्धि Ex:  Bulgaria was the first to sign an armistice on September 29, 1918 at Saloniki. विसर Ex:  Guyana was the first Caribbean State Party to sign the treaty. वौकाना Ex:  Stockholm does not sign any formal town twinning treaties शकुन Ex:  The Red Cross required volunteers to sign an agreement उ:   ये वर्षा के लिए शुभ शकुन है। शुगुन Ex:  Hence the sign obtained for the work will be positive . संकार ‡ Ex:  A sign posted at the door public information संकारना Ex:  Antique Small ivory tablet, metal, wood, among the ancient Romans who served as a sign of recognition, token, theater ticket, and for various other uses संकेत Ex:  Antique Small ivory tablet, metal, Wood, who among the ancient Romans used as a sign of gratitude, token, theater ticket, and for various other uses उ:   विभाजन का कहीं भी संकेत नहीं मिलता है। संकेतग्रह, संकेतग्रहण Ex:  at the sign of the Black Head, the Golden Lion, etc संख्यात Ex:  Distress sign संपुंज Ex:  Dresser, sign a compromise संप्रतिपादन Ex:  Gesture, sign approvingly संसत्, संसद् Ex:  He can not just sign his name संस्त्याय Ex:  He gave no sign of discontent सत्वलक्षण Ex:  He has not given us any sign of life, he did not give any sign of life he has not been heard from says absently man who never wrote, which gave no sign of his memories सन्निचय Ex:  He said they could not sign समयकार Ex:  His son got a sign समवहार Ex:  I told him I made a sign to come समुत्सर्ग Ex:  I will not sign without your approval समुपचार Ex:  In Arithmetic, it is the sign of the addition: placed between two sizes, it means adding them one to another समूहन Ex:  In terms of algebra, member of an equation, Both quantities which are separated by the equal sign सर्वलक्षण Ex:  In terms of Arithmetic and Algebra, it is usually represented by the sign = सवलक्षित Ex:  In terms of Greek Grammar, Sweet Spirit, comma-shaped sign ' that is placed over a letter to indicate the absence of aspiration, as in esti is सहिजानी Ex:  It also said the gold chain worn by Knights of certain orders, the days of ceremony, to which the sign hangs on the order साँपधरन Ex:  It also said the sign of printing R barred: R indicating the Répons साइन बोर्ड Ex:  It also says ironically, as a sign of discontent, to a Person whose speech or conduct annoys us or annoys साति Ex:  It is a good sign सीँवनि् Ex:  It is a sign of the times सेँत Ex:  It is also a sign name that represents this note सैका ‡ Ex:  It is also the name of the sign which represents the note सौँण Ex:  It is also the sign name that represents this note स्वहस्त Ex:  It is said rather sign स्वीयाक्षर Ex:  It is used figuratively in everyday language and said of a revealing sign of a material situation or state of mind हस्तसंज्ञा Ex:  It means This indicates again, giving to know something, and that is a sign of kind हस्ताक्षर Ex:  It said, in terms of music, a sign which corresponds to a similar sign, indicates to start from where it is placed उ:   हमने इस पर अभी तक हस्ताक्षर नहीं किये हैं। सौंपना
As verb : इंगित करना Ex:  Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac. उपप्रदर्शन Ex:  The sign reads,Keep Left. संसूचन Ex:  He did not give any sign of life हस्ताक्षर करना Ex:  It no longer gives any sign of life
Other : अलामत Ex:  The blunder was a sign of inexperience. आसार Ex:  These are sign of weakness. इंगित Ex:  She was forced to sign the covenant. उ:   यह इसके वक्ताओं के तकनीकी और सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव को इंगित करता है। उपलक्ष Ex:  The sign pointed the way to London उ:   उन्होंने इसके उपलक्ष में कनखल में यज्ञ का आयोजन किया। उपलक्षण Ex:  You have to hang a louie at the stop sign . उपलक्ष्य Ex:  Hook on the sign and hope that it stays . उ:   इसके उपलक्ष्य में उन्हें कॉलेज की ओर से "लैम्सडेन अवार्ड" दिया गया। केत Ex:  I will send around some papers for you to sign . केतु Ex:  The farm boys had shot the stop sign all to hell . उ:   अश्विनी नक्षत्र का स्वामी केतु होता है। चिन्हानी Ex:  Please sign out every time you leave . निशानी Ex:  The syllable Om and the Swastika sign have grown to represent Hinduism itself मारका Ex:  Grant wanted them to sign with Led Zeppelin’s own production company स‌ंकेत Ex:  It means Brand also sign testimony, Giving evidence of its ability, know
Sign ki paribhasha : lakshan jisase koi chij pahachaani jaay kisi padaarth ki vah visheshata jisake dvaara vah pahachaana jaay apana bhaav prakat karane ke liye kiya hua kaayik parichaalan ya cheshta lakadi, dhaatu mitti aadi ka khnd jisapar kisi prakaar ki aakrati, belaboote ya akshar aadi is prakaar khude hon ki use kisi doosari vastu par rakhakar dabaane se ya doosari vastu ki usapar rakhakar dabaane se us doosari vastu par ve aakratiyaaan belaboote ya akshar ubhar aaven athava ban jaaany kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana vah lakshan jisase kisi chij ki pahachaan ho ek hi tarah ki bahut si chijon ka samooh apane haath se likha hua apana naam jo kisi lekh aadi ke niche likha jaay kisi kaam ke samay dikhaayi denevaale lakshan jo us kaam ke snbnd men shubh ya ashubh maane jaate hain kisi pady ya gady ke aadi ya ant ke kuchh shabd likhakar ya padhakar us poore vaaky ka pata batalaana
Usage of Sign in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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