Silken meaning in hindi
As adjective : कपिस Ex: She was looking gargeous in her silken sari.
रेशम सा नरम रेशमी उ: यह कड़े रेशमी सूत से बुना जाता है। रेसमी
Other : कौशेय Ex: Most silken and flavored tofus are produced by large factories. चिलकी Ex: Barbe-de Jupiter, name given to a shrub of the family Térébinthacées whose seeds grow in the shape of silver tassels and silken मुलायम लुभावना
Silken ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho sngit men svar ka ek bhed tela, ghi, charabi aadi chikane padaarth
ExamplesUsage of Silken in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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