Silky meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Silky
As adjective : कपिस Ex:  Synthetic fabrics are very silky to touch. उ:   ;कनक कपिस पट शोभि अति ,जनु घन दामिनी संग।
रेशम सा नरम Ex:  From the silky wool रेशमी Ex:  In terms of Botany, he said silky hairs that line parts of plants उ:   लेयॉन में रेशमी कपड़ा बनता है। रेसमी Ex:  Of two kinds Who is from Angora in Asia Minor, in speaking of certain animal breeds, which are distinguished by their long, silky hairs
Other : कौशेय Ex:  Blonde hair, brown, black, silky नर्म Ex:  By analogy, Hay artichoke, Amas silky beards which lines the bottom of an artichoke
Silky ki paribhasha : tela, ghi, charabi aadi chikane padaarth sngit men svar ka ek bhed
Usage of Silky in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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