Silver meaning in hindi
As noun : आरोचक Ex: a monopoly on silver
उच्छिख Ex: Earlier kings used to have silver plates for dinning. उदभासी Ex: She has got silver candlesticks. उदभासुर Ex: The packer was hitting a silver foil. उस्त्र Ex: The thief made off with our silver ओजस्वान् Ex: Filigree work is generally used on gold and silver ornaments. कलधूत Ex: He has an attractive silver sports car. कलधौत Ex: Also, gold and silver could be more readily available for international trade. कालधौत Ex: They could be redeemed for silver coinage as well. खरचूर Ex: Such discoveries of huge sources of gold or silver are a thing of the past घृणि Ex: Beekeeping" Type G is also known in silver border error. चंद्रहास Ex: American silver accounted for one-fifth of Spain's total budget. चंद्रुभूति Ex: The American-owned Rosario Mining Company was a major gold and silver producer चमकीला रंग Ex: The coat of arms includes two silver strips चमकीला Ex: The United States won gold, Canada won silver and Finland won bronze. उ: ये शाकाहारी हैं और एक बार में एक ही चमकीला रंगीन अंडा देती हैं। चाँदि की कलाई करना Ex: Danish writer Josef Petersen won a silver medal on three occasions: in 1924 चाँदी का पदक Ex: Graf lost to Capriati in the final and claimed the silver medal. चाँदी का बर्तन Ex: Hanni Wenzel won two gold and one silver medal in the 1980 Winter Olympics चाँदी का सिक्का Ex: One member of each family was forced to work in the gold and silver mines चाँदी का Ex: 4 silver and 4 bronze medals. चाँदी की तरह चमकता Ex: Prolonged contact of ammonia solutions with silver चाँदी के तरह का Ex: Albertus Magnus discovered silver nitrate चाँदी के बर्तन Ex: Women wore elaborate gold and silver pieces that were used in ceremonies. चाँदी जैसा Ex: Woman wore highly detailed gold and silver head dresses and other items चाँदी Ex: He believes that silver and gold उ: संस्कृत में रूप्यकम् का अर्थ है चाँदी का सिक्का। जगमग Ex: The runner-up in each event receives an inscribed silver plate. जर्कबर्क Ex: Tanja Poutiainen has won an Olympic silver medal for alpine skiing झकाझक्क Ex: Richard had Isaac confined with silver chains दुरबरन Ex: The discovery of a major silver lode near Leadville on 1878-05-03 दुरबरन Ex: The discovery of a major silver lode near Leadville on 1878-05-03 पलित करना Ex: The first metal used as a currency was silver more than 4,000 years ago पांडुलोह Ex: It issued "token" silver coins and overstruck foreign coins. प्रकाशात्मक Ex: A US silver certificate प्रजादान Ex: They can actually grow crops of rare metals such as silver . ब्राह्मपिंगा Ex: It's probably full of silver and gold and jewels and . भास्वत् Ex: A beautiful silver महावसु Ex: A cloth of gold and silver रजत पदक Ex: A cloth of gold and silver रजत Ex: A rich silver ore, copper, Which contains a lot of money, copper उ: यह फिल्म भी सफल हुई तथा इसने रजत जयन्ती मनायी। राजत Ex: A silver राजरंग Ex: A silver wedding रौष्य Ex: bassinoire silver रौष्य Ex: bassinoire silver लसुप Ex: Between men of honor speech is silver लोहराजक Ex: Bobeche silver वह्निभूतिक Ex: Bossuer a silver spoon वांगजीवन Ex: Botanical plant of the Rosaceae family which the underside of leaves a gleaming white and silver as विदीप्त Ex: Brandenburg silver विरोचिष्णु Ex: Burette tin, silver विस्फुलिंङ्गक Ex: Burnish gold, silver शुक्रवर्ण Ex: CASH, plural, says gold Coins or silver शुर्चिष्मान् Ex: Chalice silver सितप्रभ Ex: Contrée of South America, rich in gold and silver mines सितराग Ex: Contremarquer gold or silver works सुदिव् Ex: Crowning a gold crown, a silver सुदीति Ex: Do everything in silver force सुभीरुक Ex: Fasce gold flanked by two silver spikes सुमधुर Ex: Fee silver उ: इनके सुमधुर गायन से वह परम तृप्त होते थे। सूतारं Ex: Filer gold, silver हंसाभिख्य Ex: Filings steel , iron, gold, silver
As verb : चाँदी चढ़ाना Ex: The Chinese used silver in their jewellery more often than gold
Other : चांदी का रुपया इत्यादि Ex: Benedict XVI's shoes do not have silver buckles. चांदी का Ex: "The bar silver and the arms still lie चांदी की कली करना Ex: The Incas filled one room with gold and two with silver to secure his release. चांदी चढाना Ex: The decision was made to award silver stars to all members चांदी चढ़ाना Ex: The runners-up receive silver medals चांदी रजत Ex: Complementing the rooms’ decors were pieces of massive silver furniture. चांदी Ex: Ladies' Doubles, and Mixed Doubles events receive silver cups. उ: इन खंभों पर चांदी की परतें चढ़ाई हुई है। रजत या राजत Ex: A dozen silver spoons to Ruolz रूपा Ex: After gold and platinum, silver is the most expensive metal उ: एक लड़की रूपा का तीसरी मंज़िल से गिरकर खून हो जाता है। रौप्य Ex: Allier gold with silver सीम Ex: Cover embroidered gold and silver उ: सीम रीप एक प्रसिद्ध पर्यटनस्थल है।
Silver ki paribhasha : ek saphed chamakili dhaatu jo bahut naram hoti hai puraanaanusaar shaakadvip ke astaachal parvat ka naam
ExamplesUsage of Silver in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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