Similar meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Similar
As noun : अइस Ex:  similar food at similar prices
अस Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ:   ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा। इत्थंभुत Ex:  Some Indian films are known as "multilinguals," having been filmed in similar इत्थंविध Ex:  A similar event occurred during the 1996 Cricket World Cup ईदृश Ex:  A similar system is sometimes used to maintain stability. ऐसा Ex:  And similar to Zulu practice उ:   ऐसा करने के लिए वह खुद को मजबूर पाता है ।
As adjective : अनरुअ Ex:  psychologically similar but materially different अनुयोयी Ex:  several of the details are similar अनुरुपना Ex:  The game, ping-pong is similar to Table-Tennis. अनुहरत Ex:  The brothers have similar looks. अनुहारि Ex:  Several of the details are similar in the document.
The office circular touched all details
Rams essay contained too much detail
अस Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ:   ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा। इकरस Ex:  Our group joined with another similar group . इकसारपु Ex:  Although a similar population increase occurred in Europe at the same time ईंढ Ex:  The approach is similar to that of applied mathematics. एकजीव Ex:  Civilian submarines can use similar एकरंग Ex:  U.S. Route 59 runs a path similar to Interstate 29 एकरस Ex:  On the continent, meanwhile, a similar phonetic change had also been going on . करीन Ex:  Though similar traditions existed in other places छौँह, छौँहा Ex:  A sesquiplane is similar to a biplane तद्रूप Ex:  The Heliplane is a similar idea. तुल्य वस्तु Ex:  Oil from jojoba and crambe are similar to whale oil. तुल्यकत्क्ष Ex:  The Order of the Bath, founded in 1725, was instituted for similar reasons. तुल्यजातीय Ex:  Other publications also made similar suggestions. तुल्यरूप Ex:  "Corps Commander", and similar titles. नाईँ Ex:  Israel Kleiner demonstrated similar effects at Rockefeller University in 1919 निमन Ex:  Opposite, a very similar house was constructed by Petre for his own residence. नीकाश Ex:  Ren and Stimpy, among others, had followed a similar path. प्रतिम Ex:  By having similar heights प्रसन्नकल्प Ex:  Wagner repeated similar views in several later articles बहस ‡ Ex:  Barrett offers a similar alternative, the . लौँ Ex:  This and similar effects are known as gravitational lensing and वहस Ex:  The sexes are similar in appearance. विषु Ex:  In other languages there are similar methods of memorization. सँवाँ Ex:  The Sudestada could be considered similar to the Noreaster सजनपद Ex:  This is similar to the "sounding out" सद्दश Ex:  Unlike similar efforts of the time सधर्म, सधर्मक Ex:  You have loads of offers, all of them for similar roles . सम Ex:  ” Preceding similar praises from Pope John Paul II in 1992 उ:   कोशिका की दीवार में दो सम या असम विभाजन होते हैं। समतूल Ex:  Though the two were grown in similar regions समरूप Ex:  The Spitfire had a similar उ:   इन प्रदेष्ट्रियों को अशोक के प्रादेशिकों के समरूप माना गया है। समसरि Ex:  Performance of the G-1 was similar समस्थ Ex:  He is a fisherman, similar to Christ's disciples. समांश Ex:  Water is similar in pKa to many alcohols समान Ex:  A similar office, the Maison de Normandie, in St. उ:   यहां की वास्तुकला मथुरा और ब्रज के समान ही है। सरीस Ex:  The result was very similar to World War I सरुप Ex:  He was often equated with Celtic gods of similar character. सविध Ex:  Colby and Monterey Jack are similar सानक Ex:  Cycloalkanes have similar properties to alkanes सारखा Ex:  The densities of some triads followed a similar pattern. सारीख, सारीखा Ex:  Geologically similar to parts of West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania सिरखी Ex:  Substantively, Ohio's system is similar to those found in other states. सै ‡ Ex:  A team by a similar name सोँ ‡ Ex:  SEZs and similar concepts have been expanded to major Chinese cities स्त्रीक्षेत्र Ex:  Reykjavík is much warmer than most locations at a similar latitude. हमतोल Ex:  While he was alive, Roman probably believed in God or some similar concept हमपल्ला Ex:  From 1939 to 1940, he briefly wrote for a similar paper, Soir-Republicain.
Other : अनुरुप Ex:  Kumquat is similar to plum in size. इत्यादिक Ex:  Because the stars are all of very similar age and chemical composition एकसा Ex:  As such, it has a similar political structure to its provinces. मानिंद Ex:  The System 5 was largely similar to the System 4 वैसा ही Ex:  Fourth Degree Assemblies, and Columbian Squire Circles have similar officers. सदृश Ex:  By February 1861, six more Southern states made similar declarations. उ:   इसलिये इसका धूप के सदृश व्यवहार किया जाता है। समतुल्य Ex:  Cooking bananas are very similar to potatoes in how they are used. उ:   प्राचीन रोमन धर्म में उनकी समतुल्य देवी थीं वीनस। समरुप Ex:  The Wall Street Journal and other similar sources समान या तुल्य Ex:  The music of the trouvères was similar to that of the troubadours सी Ex:  Under similar conditions and using similar catalysts as are used for उ:   त्यागराज ने बहुत सी कृतियों की रचना की। से Ex:  In Sri Lanka there are similar legends उ:   आगरा जिले का ७% से भी कम भाग वनाच्छादित है। हम Ex:  Brest-Litovsk and Brześć Kujawski for a similar case. उ:   हम बॉट में हवाई अड्डा ही रखते हैं।
Similar ki paribhasha : sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai vah raashi jo sam snkhya par pade
Usage of Similar in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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