Simply meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Simply
As noun : एककलम Ex:  It simply won't blend in .
पूरी तरह से Ex:  Others have reported that Kairi or Iere simply meant island. बलीयस् Ex:  Known simply as la Autónoma in Madrid भूरपूर Ex:  Fulcher of Chartres simply saysthat Bohemond and Alexios were reconciled.
As adverb : अकेली Ex:  A bottomless pit
Aottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front
A bottomless supply of money
One of the bottomless mysteries of life
Bottomless dancers
उ:   फ़िल्म अकेली मत जाइयो को नंदलाल जसवंतलाल ने निर्देशित किया था।
आसानी से Ex:  we are simply broke ऐसे हि Ex:  I simply fell in love with the dress . केवल Ex:  He simply doesn't know whereof he speaks . उ:   यह केवल भगवान को ही बाँधी जाती है। निछान— Ex:  This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos. निरवक Ex:  Lyme borreliosis or simply borreliosis. सादगी से Ex:  Among English speakers the city is commonly known simply as "Frankfurt" हेकली Ex:  This is simply murder!
Other : इकल्ला Ex:  You simply can't be all things to all people . एकला Ex:  His aunt simply dotes upon him . निष्कपटता से Ex:  "Hitchhiker's", or simply " Guide". सरलता से Ex:  Comparison with Vedic Svarga indicates that Svarog simply meant sky. साफ साफ Ex:  Paul, simply mythological . सिर्फ Ex:  An event? Or simply an Act? Many goals have been argued for art उ:   सिर्फ एशिया में छिटफुट आक्रमण होते रहे।
Simply ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo bhraaantishoony aur vishuddh ho
Usage of Simply in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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