Sit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sit
As noun : रहने देना Ex:  It also refers to the jurisdiction of a magistrate, the meeting of several judges who sit all
As verb :
अतिसर्ग Ex:  Being old you should sit back instead of working. अधिवेशन होना Ex:  While doing Yoga you should sit cross-legged on the floor. अस्कर Ex:  The teacher gesticulated to the students to sit down. आज्ञादान Ex:  I do 30 sit ups every morning. आसदन Ex:  Let us sit on the tussock. आस्या Ex:  Before I decide,I need time just to sit and reflect. कोँपना Ex:  He requested her to sit.
Teacher made the students to sit quitely.
गजव्रज Ex:  How many people sit on the panel. चित्र के लिए बैठना Ex:  Please sit next to me . छिबना Ex:  May I sit by you?  Come over here and sit by me . झेकना Ex:  Mary doesn't sit for anyone anymore . झोखना Ex:  Ted used to sit for the Wilsons . डेना Ex:  Not all Law Lords sit to hear cases दीधना Ex:  Members of the public are forbidden to sit on the red benches देख भाल करना Ex:  Because Moses was getting tired, Aaron and Hur had Moses sit on a rock. देना Ex:  Members of the Government sit on the benches on the Speaker's right उ:   अंडा देने के बाद मादा को उसे जमीन से छुआए बिना नर को देना होता है। ध्वजनी Ex:  Government ministers and important Opposition leaders sit on the front rows निवेसना Ex:  During times of national emergency, the House may also sit at weekends. निषदन Ex:  Players sit on double-bladed sledges and use two sticks पड़ा होना Ex:  Various clerks sit at the table परिनिर्वपण Ex:  Principal players always sit closest to the audience. फउज ‡ Ex:  The taxis are usually minibuses that can sit at least twelve people. बइटठाना ‡ Ex:  Almost all of Europe and most of Asia sit atop the Eurasian Plate बइसना Ex:  They sit facing one another, with the student copying the master. बईठना Ex:  Almost all of Europe and the better part of Asia sit atop the Eurasian Plate बखसीसना ‡ Ex:  To the west sit major mountain ranges, most notably the Himalayas. बठाना ‡ Ex:  I can't sit still and see another man slaving and working . बठूसना Ex:  Bench lawyers, Benches on which sit the lawyers in court बठ्चना Ex:  Bench rowers seat on which s' rowers sit बलकाय Ex:  By extension, the trunk of a car Part of a car on which you put the cushions to sit and which has a cover that rises and s 'lowers like a chest बसेरा लेना Ex:  Dinner is served, can sit at the table बेसना Ex:  Each of the wooden seats which, in the churches, are around the choir and on which sit the canons, religious, etc बैठना Ex:  furniture or other object made to sit उ:   उपनिषद का अर्थ पास में बैठना होता है। बैठाना Ex:  I had risen, but he made me sit बैसाना Ex:  I let him sit भटबलाग्र Ex:  In terms of Carousel, belittling the hips of the horse, sit a horse ready to rise on legs or walk and work on the shoulders लगना Ex:  It also tells of a table on which the tailors sit cross-legged, to work उ:   इस खेल में चोट लगना एक आम बात हैं जब आप माउंटेन बाइकिंग कर रहे हैं। वइठना Ex:  It should sit this patient, this child वइसाना Ex:  Laying the foundations of a building, the sit down, set the वरूथवती Ex:  Let us sit on this bench, floor विष्टब्धि Ex:  S ' sit on his heels वौकाना Ex:  School Stools, benches on which to sit schoolchildren, students in schools, in colleges शर्द्ध, शर्ध Ex:  sit a horseshoe, securely attach the संप्रतिपादन Ex:  sit in the center, center right, center left सदस्य होना Ex:  Sit there, sit down, take a seat सन्निवेश Ex:  The majority of tourists that visit Nicaragua are from the U.S. सन्निवेश Ex:  The majority of tourists that visit Nicaragua are from the U.S. सन्यासन Ex:  Small cell where bees deposit their eggs and honey समुत्सर्ग Ex:  Small wooden seat, three or four feet and backless, where one person can sit समुपचार Ex:  That's what the spirits sit सवारी करना Ex:  The courthouse or, certainly, The Palace, The place where the courts sit ससेन, ससैन Ex:  We asked him to sit साँपधरन Ex:  We must let the wine sit साति Ex:  We'll sit at the table सेना Ex:  You have to sit this liquid उ:   जयचंद अपनी सेना के साथ कन्नौज लौट गया। सैन ‡ Ex:  , Make someone sit at his table, The admit it सैनी ‡ Ex:  , The table is always put in this house, is said of a house where one can arrive unexpectedly at mealtimes and sit at table without was invited in advance हस्सम Ex:  , to support, to sit or put your feet
Other : अंडो पर बैठना Ex:  Lets not make a decision--lets sit tight अड्डेपर बैठना Ex:  In winters it is pleasent to sit by the fireside. आसन जमाना Ex:  They made him sit on the knifes edge. कचहरी करना Ex:  Birds like to sit on the roof of a house . ठीक होना Ex:  It didn't sit right with the boss . पडना Ex:  All 70 Senators sit for three-year terms उ:   उसके बाद बर्फ पडना आरंभ हो जाता है। पड़ना Ex:  Quakers sit quietly until moved by the Holy Spirit to speak. फबना Ex:  The turrets are not actually attached to the ship but sit on rollers सभा करना Ex:  Small wooden seat fort bottom, on which the accused were forced to sit when asked for the judge and that the conclusions of the prosecution tended to afflictive
Sit ki paribhasha : khad na rakhakar kuchh vishraam ki sthiti men karana striyon ke liye ek aadarasoochak shabd van ka vah vibhaag jahaaan shera, chite aadi ke rahane ki maaanden hon kisi ko aaraam dena ya usaka kaam karana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana putthe ke bal kisi sthaan par is prakaar jamana ki dhad oopar ko sidha rahe aur pair ghutane par se mudkar dihare ho jaayan
Usage of Sit in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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