Skilful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Skilful
As noun : आढ़ Ex:  Here the Buddha is compared to an experienced and skilful doctor
कुशल Ex:  A skilful coordination उ:   वे भाषा के कुशल कारीगर थे। कृतकर्मा Ex:  Find his master Dealing with someone stronger, more skilful than himself कृतहस्त Ex:  He Because of skilful combinations, it took provisions scholarly कृतागम Ex:  It is modest as skilful क्षिप्रकर Ex:  Subterfuge, skilful and subtle way to help out चाबुकदस्त Ex:  The treatment prescribed by the most skilful physicians for such a disease प्रतिपत्तिविशारद् युक्तिमान् वचस वेदिता शीलित शौंडि सामग्य सौस्थय स्वाप्त हस्तवत्
As adjective : कौशलपूर्ण Ex:  It was regarded as the most skilful captain of his century धौँताल Ex:  This skilful candidate has stepped निपुण Ex:  This skilful critic has characterized the kind of book as उ:   आदि से अन्त तक इसमें निपुण कवि का विलक्षण कौशल व्यक्त होता है। शीलित
Other : उस्तादी Ex:  A skilful colorist कृती Ex:  It says figuratively and in a broader sense of the first tests we do a thing to become skilful y चतुर Ex:  The more skilful reasoning is not well before उ:   हालांकि काफी अति सक्रिय हैं, साथ ही भतीजे चतुर और बुद्धिमान भी हैं। पटु Ex:  This skilful officer made arrangements to govern the entire Department विदग्ध उ:   इन्होंने सरल, सरस और विदग्ध सभी प्रकार की काव्य रचनाएँ की हैं। हुनर उ:   पटकथा लेखक के रूप में उनके हुनर में यहीं से निखार आना शुरु हुआ।
Skilful ki paribhasha : achchha gaane, bajaane ya bolanevaala jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho
Usage of Skilful in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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