Slay meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Slay
As verb : निर्गंधन Ex:  In order to slay
परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex:  It also means to slay by a poisonous quality speaking of some substances बहुत प्रभावित करना Ex:  Pour human blood, to slay men, ordered their death मार डालना Ex:  Put to death, to slay मुवाना ‡ Ex:  Taking melee with someone to slay विशस Ex:  , Send in the other world, to slay विहनन Ex:  , Souiller his hands of innocent blood, to slay an innocent समालंभ Ex:  , the slay हत्या करना
Other : कत्ल करना Ex:  He used a pickaxe to slay his enemy. घात करना Ex:  Isis and Horus avenge the death of Osiris and slay Typhon. बध करना Ex:  It particularly means to slay quickly मार ड़ालना या वधा Ex:  Send ad patres, to slay वध करना Ex:  Twist the neck, to slay turning the neck and dislocating vertebrae
Usage of Slay in sentences

The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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