Slight meaning in hindi
As noun : अट्टन Ex: I found a slight incoherence while talking to him.
अदीर्घ Ex: Tall people always walk with a slight stoop. अनहेलना Ex: There has been a slight fall off in the sale of Bata footwear. अनादर करना Ex: The deer gave a slight twitch after the blow. अनादर Ex: Girls walk with slight swing. अनुत्कट Ex: Do not speak slight language with me. अपमान करना Ex: The man has a slight lisp.? अप्राख्य Ex: There was a slight relaxation of tensions after Stalin's death in 1953 अमानना Ex: The taunt was seen by some as a slight against non-Western literature. अवगनना Ex: It has a slight blue tint in the plastic back . अवधोरण Ex: There were of course some slight discrepancies. अववाद Ex: With polls showing him with a slight lead in a three-way race असूक्षण Ex: While there is a slight input of geothermal energy आर्डिनरी Ex: Nevertheless, slight variations in the Earth's gravitational field do exist . उपभूषण Ex: The appointment of eight additional senators allowed a slight Tory majority. उपेक्षा करना Ex: Entasis refers to the slight bulge of the columns as they rise एकविध Ex: Protestants have a slight majority in Northern Ireland कदर्थन Ex: There is a slight webbing between each toe कम Ex: There are slight variations depending on the house rules and number of decks. उ: कम समय में ही वह एक प्रसिद्ध वकील बन गए। खर्वित Ex: Moldovan Cyrillic incorporated slight changes to the Cyrillic alphabet खाँगो Ex: However, a slight diphthong can occur when two vowels surround a yumuşak g. गिरैयाँ Ex: On the pretext of a slight to their consul घटबढ़ Ex: It is light brown with a very slight tint of yellow. चंचुप्रवेश Ex: A slight improvement was the dirt-only field छपटी Ex: A slight cooling trend from the 1940s until 1979 छरहरा Ex: In late 1990’s, however, a slight decline in religiosity occurred. छरेरा Ex: While slight variations on the standard code had been predicted earlier छुच्छ Ex: A slight छुटका Ex: A slight छेहडा Ex: A slight deposit छोटका Ex: A slight infusion छोटा Ex: A slight orchestration, thick, powerful उ: अमरकंटक छोटा नगर है। छोहनार Ex: A slight repentance जलालत Ex: A slight tilt झुनकार Ex: after a slight evacuation, found himself a little better टकैया Ex: after a slight evacuation, he found himself a little better टोलिया Ex: body, a slight relaxation, serious relaxation तिरस्कार करना Ex: Capote slight woman that falls on the shoulders तिरस्कार Ex: Draw a slight sketch of something उ: यह तिरस्कार दैत्य को अपने सृष्टिकर्ता से बदला लेने के लिए उकसाती है। दहृ Ex: He also said, figuratively, of things that are a slight impression, or are in no ध्वांतशत्रु Ex: He was slight Buildings employees in the service of larger ships, and also the customs of Buildings नक्कार Ex: heavy load, excessive, slight निगरु Ex: HUE is used figuratively to mean a slight Appearance निघृष्व Ex: I does have a slight remembrance, a memory confused निरुदर Ex: I have a slight suspicion, a strong suspicion that he lied to me पंचमेल Ex: In terms of cuisine, soup Statement said of a slight Mets following the soup पतला Ex: In terms of medicine, respiratory murmur, slight noise is meant by listening, when the lungs are healthy उ: इसके फलों के ऊपर एक पतला सा आवरण होता है। पतीला ‡ Ex: In terms of painting, flowing Drawing, Drawing which proceeds by slight curves and is easier than okay पराभौ Ex: In the French theater, it means a slight piece in one act at little characters परिभवन Ex: In the same sense, but with a slight difference, he said to Enjoy, judging परिभवविधि Ex: It also means the white wine, with slight taste of muscat grape that gives it परिभाबी Ex: It also means, figuratively, a little sweetness often calms great fury or A slight cause, a small incident is sometimes stop big problems, big quarrels प्रकृत्थजीर्ण Ex: It also tells of a small quantity, a slight trace that still exists, that persists प्राग्राट Ex: It is one of previously said that was commissioned by pensioners receive their pensions , with a slight discount प्रायभव Ex: It made a slight inclination of the head प्रायापयोगिक Ex: It means even make a slight concession बरीक Ex: It means figuratively Initiate a discussion by slight attacks, pushing any tip बालजातीय Ex: It still says, colloquially, a slight appearance, or the smallest possible amount of a thing बेलकत Ex: It was a very slight softening the fate of the prisoner मर्यक Ex: Make a crime to someone of something, consider slight negligence as a Crime, exaggerating by injustice, hatred महत्वहीन समझना Ex: Making mention of someone, something make a commendation; make only slight mention; make mention in a treaty, in a contract in history, etc मानपरिखंडन Ex: Police Salle, Place where is subjected to short detentions soldiers for faults slight मुख्तसर Ex: Police Salle, Place where we subjected the soldiers to short detentions slight faults मौलिक Ex: Punishing a child for slight negligence उ: शुक्ल जी के ये मनोवैज्ञानिक निबंध सर्वथा मौलिक हैं। रीढा Ex: slight abrasions made by touching लघुवृत्ति Ex: Slight discomfort, slight alteration in health ललितप्रहार Ex: Steam subtle, slight लहुअ ‡ Ex: STRIDES in terms of Hunting, slight traces means that the beast leaves his foot, passing on the grass or on the leaves: they are also appointed Sprains, speaking of Cerf विमानना Ex: The Indian is a fabric slight वोछा Ex: The shot made him a slight injury intestines श्लक्ष्ण Ex: The slight slope of the land facilitates watering सटरपटर Ex: The wind ruffles the water surface, there because of slight undulations सधारण Ex: There would be pedantry to take on if slight faults उ: लोम इधर उधर उठाकर पहुँचानेवाले मजदूर सधारण अनुभवी होते हैं। समसन Ex: This is a hard penance for a very slight fault साँकड़भीड़ो Ex: This is especially when told the price difference is slight साधारण देश Ex: tinted paper, paper that has a slight tint, usually yellow साधारण Ex: To give you a slight idea उ: साधारण गेंदा नामक फूल का पौधा इसी कुल में है। सूर्क्षण Ex: Wave making a slight inflection body सोदधित्व Ex: You must forgive this slight forgetfulness स्तोककाय Ex: , Giving boost to something someone said that prints a slight push to one thing for her to go to his will स्माल Ex: , Taking the water for fear of getting wet, to avoid a slight inconvenience, to put in a similar case and worst स्लल्पीयस Ex: Faire hear a slight and pleasant singing speaking of Small birds स्वल्पेच्छ Ex: Légère difficulty, slight obstacle हरुआ Ex: Playful, plural, said he was very slight tweezers हलका Ex: This is only a slight draft, the first draft उ: यह रंग हलका रानी के नाम से भी प्रचलित है। हलुका हून हृस्व
Other : अपमान Ex: There are slight differences between the city centre and the Airport उ: इन दोनों ने अहंकार बुद्धि को धारण कर आपका अपमान करके अपराध किया है। अल्प किंचित् Ex: In the case of , the tongue is raised enough to produce slight frication . अवज्ञा Ex: Incoming sea water caused Enterprise to develop a slight list कमजोर Ex: Removing it can cause a slight improvement in overall vision उ: बहुत कम विकल्प होने के बावजूद उसने कभी गलत या कमजोर चाल नहीं चली। किंचित Ex: This perceived slight created instability within the tetrarchy क्षीण Ex: When The New York Times revealed the slight उ: असंयोजी बंध एक क्षीण स्वभाव का रासायनिक बंध होता है। छींटा Ex: Many slight variants have been discovered since छीन Ex: Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale suffered only slight damages. उ: सौरॉन गन्धर्वों ये युद्ध करने बाकी सारी अंगूठियाँ छीन लेता है। तनिक Ex: By extension, brittle Pears, who brittle flesh, Pears that make a slight resistance to the bite, unlike those that melt in the mouth and which, for that reason, Pears are called fondant उ: अब तनिक दोनों पर एक दृष्टि डालिए। तुच्ख Ex: Flying Artillery and Artillery slight तुच्छ जानना Ex: Troupe line Troupe to combat online as opposed to slight Troupe, irregular or थोडा़ सा Ex: Having a slight science dyeing भूल जाना Ex: Long ago I've heard of this case, it m 'remains only a slight recollection हल्का समझना हल्का उ: इसके साथ हल्का संगीतक भी चलाया जाता है जो दिमाग को आराम पहुँचाता है।
Slight ki paribhasha : bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho ek upasarg jo sngya ke pahale lagakar visheshan ka kaam deta hai kai gaaanvon ya kasbon ka samooh jo kisi kaam ke liye niyat ho jyotish men grahon ka sphutasaadhan jisase yah jaana jaata hai ki janm ke samay athava kisi aur vishisht kaal men kaun sa grah kis raashi ke kitane ansha, kitani kala aur kitani vikala men tha saahity ke antargat ek arthaalnkaar jisamen gunaanvit vastu men durgun dikhaakar usaka tiraskaar kiya jaata hai jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho
ExamplesUsage of Slight in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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