Slim meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Slim
As verb : अवगनना Ex:  admiring the slim smoothness of her thighs
इकहरा Ex:  Jane is very slim because she eats like a bird . उ:   इसे उन्होने इकहरा प्रयास सीखना की संज्ञान दी। कम करना Ex:  The block preserved the slim 103–102 lead with 40-odd seconds left to play कम Ex:  A slim volume उ:   इससे कम वय में भी यह हो सकता है। खाँगो Ex:  Délarder a stone The slim remove any part of the bed घटबढ़ Ex:  Kind insects Neuroptera at the slim body and transparent wings, also called Demoiselles छपटी Ex:  There is only one good slim hope of saving this patient छुच्छ Ex:  , Figure knife-edged, long and slim profile छेहडा छोहनार झुनकार निरुदर पतला उ:   शरीर पतला और सुंदर है । पतीला ‡ पत्ला प्राग्राट बरीक श्लक्ष्ण सोदधित्व स्वल्पेच्छ हृस्व
Other : अपर्याप्त Ex:  Today girls dream for slim and trim figure. छरहरा Ex:  , a wasp waist, slim waist Extremely तनु तन्वंगी मुटापा कम करना
Slim ki paribhasha : yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed jisamen chitt men klesh ki avasthiti to hoti hai, par saadhan ya saamagri aadi ke kaaran us klesh ki siddhi nahin hoti jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho
Usage of Slim in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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