Slope meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Slope
As noun : अनुन्नतानत Ex:  The hikers slipped up the wet slope .
ओनवाना Ex:  The slope of the world line gives the relative velocity to the observer. कंधे शस्ट्र Ex:  A downward slope exists towards Sydney Bay and Emily Bay झुकना Ex:  The slope is commonly taught as "rise over run" or rise/run. झुकाना Ex:  300,000 cubic metres of snow slid on a 30 degree slope ढलान Ex:  By analogy, This town is prettily situated on the slope a hill उ:   येलोग अपने घर प्रायः पहाड़ों की ढलान बताते हैं। ढालू होना Ex:  End of Arts or cut edge bias, slope ढोकना Ex:  FAST is also used as a male name and is called Some parts of a river where the water goes down very quickly on a slope नमस् Ex:  halfway up, the middle of slope of a side नामना Ex:  He said again the slope of a hill, a road, a railway रुमझुमाना Ex:  In terms of Architecture, Glacis cornice slope that gives the upper surface of a chair rail to facilitate drainage लरकनी Ex:  It also means Pertaining to a coast, a slope वरमना Ex:  It also means the Addiction of a mountain, hill or slope of a road वौकाना Ex:  It is its natural slope समंचन Ex:  Leave the slope to a street for drainage समतल Ex:  Leave the slope to land उ:   २. उत्तर-पश्चिमी प्रदेश - यह एक समतल भाग है। समस्थ Ex:  Line of greatest slope सुघट्टित Ex:  slope सुसम Ex:  slope स्लोप Ex:  slope उ:   स्लोप फैक्टर सामान्यतः एक से थोड़ा कम होता है।
Other : उतराई Ex:  The hikers toiled up the slope slowly . उतार Ex:  He occupied the south slope of Rakata from 1915 to 1917 उ:   कहीं पर बड़े जहाजों से माल छोटे जहाजों पर उतार लिया जाता है। कगार Ex:  Occasionally, supply curves do slope upwards. उ:   कुमांऊँनी बोली शनै-शनै लगभग लुप्त होने के कगार पर है। घाटी Ex:  At this point the solubility curve changes slope उ:   कुल्‍लू घाटी को पहले कुलंथपीठ कहा जाता था। झुकाव Ex:  Arts Building or slope to उ:   हम यूरोपियन साहित्य और यहां की परंपरा की ओर झुकाव महसूस करते हैं। ढाल Ex:  By extension, in terms of arts, it often means a wood or iron piece placed obliquely or earth work for the waters to stop on a road, on the slope of a hill, etc उ:   बड़े पठारों के बीच अनेक छोटे-छोटे पठार विभिन्न ढाल वाले हैं। ढ़ाल Ex:  FOOT also said the Talus, the slope that gives some masonry or earthworks, to make them stronger धँसान Ex:  Gardening Plate, which goes a little slope and is usually backed by a wall प्रवणता Ex:  In a donkey is called what is and what seems made of two parts joined together to present a slope, a slope on each side
Slope ki paribhasha : kisi khadi chij ke oopari bhaag ko tedha karake niche ki aur laana vah sthaan jo aage ki or kramashaः is prakaar baraabar nicha hota gaya ho ki usapar padi hui vastu niche ki or khisak ya ludhak ya vah sake kramashaः niche ki or pravrati kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya jisaka tal sam ho, oobad khaabad na ho kisi khadi chij ke oopar ke bhaag ka niche ki or tedha hokar latak aana
Usage of Slope in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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