Sloping meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sloping
Other : क्रमशः निम्न Ex:  Newark is essentially a large basin sloping towards the Passaic River
चढाऊ Ex:  Since sloping of armor reduces the interior volume of the vehicle झुका हुआ Ex:  Redwood boards were used to form a shallow sloping roof. ढलवाँ Ex:  It is a region of flat, gently sloping or hilly land . उ:   ये यंत्र संभवतः पीतल के ढलवाँ पात्रों से बनाये जाते थे। ढलुआ Ex:  creeping Window, Window whose support and closure are sloping ढालू Ex:  It sometimes means specifically Go sloping उ:   इनकी ऊपर की सतह भी कभी कभी बीच से दोनों ओर को ढालू रखी जाती है।
Sloping ki paribhasha : jo pidhali hui dhaatu aadi ko saaanche men dalakar banaaya gaya ho jo apane aadhaar par samakon banaata hua na gaya ho
Usage of Sloping in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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