Small scale meaning in hindi
As noun : अप्रकांड Ex:  Re-create the boom of the West on a small scale
दहृ Ex:  Space-based astronomy had begun on a very small scale following World War II बमनी Ex:  It is said to the contrary Operate, work on a small scale लघु उ: यह संस्कृत सिखाने वाली लघु वार्तालाप पुस्तिका है। लघुक सोदधित्व स्माल हृस्व ह्लस्वक
As adjective : लघुमान
Other : छोटा पैमाना Ex:  Recent but small scale immigration has brought other religions लघ्वनुमाप
Small scale ki paribhasha : naayika ka vah maan ya alp rosh jo naayak ko kisi doosari stri se baatachit karate dekhakar utpann hota hai hasta, ashvini aurn pushy ye tinon nakshatr jo jyotish men chhote maane gae hai aur jinaka gan laghugan kaha gaya hai
ExamplesUsage of Small scale in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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