Smoker meaning in hindi
As noun : धूमपान डिब्बा Ex:  A smoker Service
धूम्रकक्ष Ex:  Language smoker Who unclear धूम्रपान करने वाला Ex:  This wood is not dry, smoker पुरुष गोष्ठी
Other : तमाखू पीने वाला Ex:  A pack-a-day smoker for 35 years तम्बाकू पीने वाला Ex:  These electronic cigarettes, allow the smoker an alternative way of smoking. धुआं से सुखाने वाला Ex:  The image of the smoker can vary considerably but is very often associated धुम्रपान―डिब्बा Ex:  A den, an opium smoker
ExamplesUsage of Smoker in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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