Smuggling meaning in hindi
As noun : चौर्यनयन Ex:  A building charged with smuggling
चौर्यपणन Ex:  He also said a line of posts established along the border to prevent smuggling तस्करी Ex:  Make smuggling उ: जंगली जानवर के शरीर की तस्करी करने वालो को पकड़ना। भड़िहाईं महसुलचोरी
Other : अवैध प्रेषण Ex:  There is a lot of smuggling on the border. चुंगीचोरी Ex:  The officers suspected that he was smuggling heroin from Mexico चोरी से माल ले जाना Ex:  Diplomats and even ministers have been caught smuggling drugs चौकीमारी Ex:  Obote was implicated in a gold smuggling plot चौर्यपणन तस्करी Ex:  adjectively, a smuggling ship चौर्यानियन Ex:  It has a title smuggling तस्करवृत्ति Ex:  It is smuggling तस्करी किया जाना Ex:  It was given smuggling parents निनयन Ex:  smuggling of goods, smuggling introduced by
Smuggling ki paribhasha : pranita ke jal ko kush se yajn ko vedo par chhidkane ka kaary ugr svabhaav ki stri
ExamplesUsage of Smuggling in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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