Snail meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Snail
As noun : घोँघी Ex:  The decomposing remains of a snail floated out.
घोंगापु Ex:  Beautiful kind of pearl that gives green snail घोंघा Ex:  By analogy, snail staircase, spiral staircase उ:   इंद्रधनुष - एक घोंघा जो अक्सर लाल और पीले अज्ञान का लक्ष्य होता है। घोंघे एकत्र करना Ex:  In terms of anatomy, he said bone Part of the ear labyrinth, which has the form of a snail shell जलडिंब Ex:  staircase snail जलशुक्ति Ex:  The shell of a snail पंकमंडूक पंकशुक्ति पूतिकामुख शंबुक, शंबुक्क
Other : आलसी मनुष्य Ex:  Inch by inch, the snail moved across the stone . काहिल Ex:  SpongeBob's house-pet is a snail named Gary, whose "meow" is similar to a cat. घोघा Ex:  In terms of Architecture, snail staircase, staircase that turns around a core चर्खी Ex:  Spiral shell snail Species जोंक Ex:  , This man lives in retirement with him like a snail in its shell उ:   आयुर्वेद में जलोकावारन पद्धति में जोंक से इलाज किया जाता रहा हैं। धीमी चाल से धीरे धीरे मन्थर शंबुक सपिर्ल चरखी
Snail ki paribhasha : shnkh ki tarah ka ek kid jo praayaः nadiyon taalaabo tatha any jalaashayon men paaya jaata hai
Usage of Snail in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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