Snatch meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Snatch
As noun : अंश Ex:  Among the crimes showing increasing rates were snatch theft उ:   उस दीवार के अंश के कुछ ही अवशेष बचे हैं।
अंशभूत Ex:  a tooth shoes off before snatch अख्ज Ex:  He would let snatch hair beard hair, wants a coward अधौत Ex:  I could snatch this grace अपित्व Ex:  I had great difficulty to snatch from him this promise, the word अपित्वी Ex:  I will not snatch your secret अल्पकाल Ex:  It also means someone so obsessed snatch some profit or simply to surprise any information उ:   जो अल्पकाल के लिए अपनी छटा दिखाकर समाप्त हो जाते हैं। आँस Ex:  It does not make Easily the money we loaned him, we must snatch कालविभक्ति Ex:  snatch a child to his mother, the arms of his mother, of his mother's arms चुरा लेना Ex:  We can not rescue him from the study, snatch the game ज्येष्ठांश झपट डिक्को पद् भागार्था भित्त भूमिभाग राशिभाग लहाछेह लाति लेना उ:   इनके नाम जान लेना बुरा नहीं होगा। वखरुह वटन श्रयना षड्भाग सर्वांग हटा लेना हरामखोरी ह्रित
As verb : आलुंठन Ex:  It is in this sense that we say colloquially Talking to help you a miser with his money c ' snatch the soul is छिँड़ाना Ex:  We must snatch the words of the mouth छीनना नोचखसोट विलुंठन सल्ब
Snatch ki paribhasha : bahut teji se badhakar koi chij le lena chhinane ya len ki kriya bhinn ki lakir ke oopar ki snkhya doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana kisi doosare ki vastu jabaradasti le lena
Usage of Snatch in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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