Soften meaning in hindi
As noun : हल्का करना Ex:  Making less acidic, soften
As verb :
कम करना Ex:  Soil used to be soften if plants are to be planted in it. कोमल बनाना Ex:  Olives are often soaked in sodium hydroxide to soften them कोमल हो जाना Ex:  Since E-glass does not really melt but soften नरम करना Ex:  By extension, it also said plastic materials which soften and more or less readily नरम पड़ना Ex:  Civilizing, soften the manners, established in a country of laws, regulations for the safety, tranquility, convenience of the inhabitants नरम हो जाना Ex:  Feather features, soften the look of the face, making it less harsh the नरमी आ जाना Ex:  If soften on someone's fate
Other : कोमल करना या होना Ex:  Sour cream is often used to soften flavour. घुलना Ex:  A heart soften easy to धीमा होना या करना Ex:  Action soften or result of this action नम्र करना Ex:  Action soften Result of this action or नरमा कर देना Ex:  He still said to soften a comparison that is something unsuitable, shocking मुलायम करना Ex:  In some diseases soften the bones, brain softens मृदु बनाना Ex:  It is said in the same direction This criticism is too harsh, it must soften सुकुमार बनाना Ex:  KNEAD says still talking Some of things we strongly press with your hands to give them another form or to soften हलकाकर देना Ex:  Let you soften
ExamplesUsage of Soften in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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