Soil meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Soil
As noun : अराजो Ex:  moisture retentivity of soil
आराजी Ex:  Work the soil उ:   उपर्युक्त आराजी संख्या भूमि वर्तमान में अभिलेखनुसार बंजर भूमि है। इडा Ex:  Fertility of the soil can be improved by use of proper fertilisers. कर्णपाक Ex:  the aeration of the soil कलंकित करना Ex:  The soil is wormy. कलविंग Ex:  the chemistry of soil गँदोलना Ex:  While playing children usually soil their clothes. गंदा करना Ex:  I patted down the soil . गीली मिट्टी Ex:  The invasion of US Marines on Haitian soil in 1915 गैरइलाका Ex:  Although they never set foot on British soil जगतीतल Ex:  Since its eggs can survive in the soil for several years थंड Ex:  American soil scientist Dr. दूषित करना Ex:  Alluvial soil constitute the largest soil group in India. देश Ex:  Black soil are well developed in the Deccan lava region of Maharashtra उ:   आज बेसबॉल देश में सबसे लोकप्रिय खेल है। धब्बा Ex:  It also causes the death of plants and important soil micro-organisms. धरवान Ex:  Due to poor-quality soil नगरप्रांत Ex:  Chennai's soil is mostly clay, shale and sandstone. नरपद Ex:  Guam remains the only U.S. soil निँदरना Ex:  1943. The attack on Italian soil निर्ग Ex:  The trees are responsible for anchoring soil and absorbing water runoff. नीवृत् Ex:  The Ancient Egyptians used this soil to farm. पुहुमि,हुमी Ex:  Due to regional similarities in climate and soil पुहुवी Ex:  Damage to plantations and soil totaled to $121 million . पूतिसृंजय Ex:  Plants rely on soil primarily for support and water but also obtain nitrogen बदनाम करना Ex:  Sugar-cane quickly exhausts the soil in which it grows बर्स Ex:  Some of the more common soil contaminants are chlorinated hydrocarbons भुँईं Ex:  As more soil deposited over them, they were compressed . भुइँ Ex:  Press the soil to make it level with the top of the can . भुम्मि Ex:  But these may not be retained in the soil for long . भुवि Ex:  Living organisms also influence the formation of soil . भूमि Ex:  A land, soil amendable उ:   यहाँ की भूमि अनुपजाऊ है। मँडान Ex:  Agriculture layer of soil that is below the topsoil मल Ex:  Agriculture Operation that consists in mixing with topsoil a quantity of marl soil amendment उ:   निदान के लिये मल में अंडे देखे जाते हैं। महाअल Ex:  Arts Firm the soil with Pilon मिट्टी Ex:  The only real engagement on Delaware soil was fought on September 3 उ:   राज्य की मिट्टी आमतौर पर गहरी और उपजाऊ है। मिट्ठा Ex:  Yellow-brown loess soil is found in the western parts of the state. उ:   मिट्ठा एक हिमाचली व्यंजन है। मिठ्ठू Ex:  Removal of tree cover also destabilized soil मुल्क Ex:  The soil is of a varied composition and in large areas is very fertile उ:   उसने मुल्क के लिए श्रेष्ठ नियमों और विनियमों का निर्माण किया। मृतिका Ex:  The war also took place on Indian soil उ:   मृतिका शिल्प की उपयुक्त सफेद चिकनी मिट्टी के बृहद भण्डार है। मृत्तिका Ex:  In simple terms, soil has three components: solid, liquid, and gas. उ:   मृत्तिका के खनिज संमिश्र के कुछ गुण विलक्षण हैं। मृत्स्ना Ex:  Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles into aggregates. मृत्स्ना Ex:  Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles into aggregates. मृदा Ex:  Waste management often has a soil component. उ:   यह पत्थरों और मृदा से बनी है। मृद् Ex:  Landfills use soil for daily cover. मैल Ex:  The soil mats provide homes to invertebrates मौका Ex:  Zitouni extended the GIA's attacks on civilians to French soil उ:   यहाँ से कानपुर पर हमले का मौका खोजने लगे। मौलि Ex:  Nutrients are supplied to plants by air, water and soil . रतनगरभ Ex:  Condition under Roman law which had been farmers, without being slaves, were bound to the soil रत्नवती Ex:  Cover the ground, the soil of a road, a street, a courtyard, a stable, a room, etc विप्लुट् Ex:  Do and soil tones are accordants them विश्वासभूमि Ex:  ELEMENTS, plural, says the variety of soil conditions, climate, season सरजमीन Ex:  identity or analogy of climate, soil or similar productions or similar forms of human activity, etc सागरधरा Ex:  In terms of gardening, Blanch salad, to become the white binder leaves when they are still green and covering them with soil or manure सिताँ Ex:  In terms of geology, it refers Cup a ground, leaving uncovered the slopes of soil, the nature of the substances contained therein, the different soil layers it represents, etc
Other : कीचड Ex:  richy loamy soil उ:   यह रात में मंदिर के बाहर रखा जाता है ऑर सुबह इस्को कीचड में डालता है। कीचड़ Ex:  This soil retains water खाद डालना Ex:  In addition to soil erosion खाद Ex:  The soil is ochre rich. उ:   खाद हाथ से अलग करे। गंदगी Ex:  Some of the soapy water leaked into the soil . चिकनी मिट्टी Ex:  Trinidad is made up of a variety of soil types ज़मीन Ex:  The largest to be detonated on British soil उ:   जल, जंगल और ज़मीन पर देश का अधिकार होगा। धब्बा लगाना Ex:  Puerto Ricans were already fighting on European soil in the Spanish Civil War. धरती Ex:  They grow best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. उ:   वनस्पतियाँ धरती पर जीवन के मूलभूत अंश हैं। भू Ex:  A good soil उ:   आजकल भू पर्यटन का परिधि भू पार कर अंतरिक्ष की ओर बढ़ चली है। मही Ex:  Bent over the soil उ:   मही पादाघाताद् व्रजति सहसा संशयपदं। रेणु Ex:  As more soil deposited over them, they were compressed . उ:   हिदी के यशस्वी लेखक फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु और कमलेश्वर के मित्र थे।
Soil ki paribhasha : vah padaarth jo khet men usaki upajaaou shakti badhaane ke liye dala jaata hai kaale rng ki lasadaar mitti jo sir malane aadi ke kaam men aati hai philavaanon ka ek saakentik shabd jo haathiyon ko uthaane ke liye kaha jaata hai kisi satah ke oopar thodi door tak phaila hua aisa sthaan jo satah ke rng ke mel men na ho aur bhadda lagata ho
Usage of Soil in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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