Solar meaning in hindi
As adjective : अंबुतस्कर Ex: Hindu Calender is published in India which contains calculation of days, dates, movement of celestial bodies, solar and lunar eclipses.
अंशुमंत Ex: a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light अगिर Ex: Organic solar cells are cheap and environmental friendly. अतुषारकर Ex: Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. अतुहिनकर Ex: A continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light. अदितिसुत Ex: it is solar eclipse अध्वंग Ex: There are nine planets in the solar system. अध्वपति Ex: In the outer solar system अनूरुसारथी Ex: If such objects entered the solar system अन्नपति Ex: Within the solar system or for ordinary double stars अयुग्मवाद Ex: As with the model of the solar system in the Almagest अयुग्मसप्ति Ex: A solar eclipse is an occultation of the Sun. अरविंदवंधु Ex: The most recent solar eclipse took place on September 11 अरुणकर Ex: The next total solar eclipse अरुणकिरण Ex: Mercury is even smaller than the largest natural satellites in the solar system अरुणप्रिय Ex: High solar power potential is found in southeastern California’s deserts. अरुणार्चि Ex: With respect to the present-day mean solar year अरुणासारथि Ex: He notes, "By how much does the solar year exceed the lunar year? अरुष Ex: Due to the difference in length between twelve lunar months and a solar year अरूष Ex: Karaites use the lunar month and the solar year अर्चिष्मान Ex: Some assigned major Jewish festivals to fixed solar calendar dates अवरव्रत Ex: The reforms of Julius Caesar in 45 BC put the Roman world on a solar calendar. अववोधक Ex: The Sala Meridiana originally sponsored a functional solar meridian instrument अशीतकर Ex: Meanwhile plains and foothills are characterized by high solar radiation rates. अहनाथ Ex: Jupiter has been called the solar system's vacuum cleaner आकाशपथिक Ex: It receives the most frequent comet impacts of the solar system's planets. आघृणि Ex: Carbon dioxide and water together enable the storage of solar energy in sugars आतपी Ex: Space exploration reached throughout the solar system. आदिदेव Ex: Beyond the solar system उ: पृथ्वी का भी आदिदेव कल्पना में मूर्त रूप माना गया। आशावह Ex: During solar eclipses उक्षा Ex: This length of time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar days. उदबोधक Ex: It is the largest of the four solar terrestrial planets उरुक्रम Ex: The field forms the magnetosphere, which deflects particles in the solar wind. उष्णकर Ex: It is the largest moon in the solar system relative to the size of its planet. उस्तरस्मि Ex: The solar wind travels at its maximum velocity out to about 95 AU उस्र Ex: Earth the fifth largest planet in the solar system एकचक्र Ex: The only solar planet without a true atmosphere is Mercury which had it mostly एकपात् Ex: These fields significantly change the interaction of the planet and solar wind. ओकपति Ex: The solar wheel appears to have a significance in Bronze Age religion ओषधिगर्भ Ex: The solar day on Mars is only slightly longer than an Earth day: 24 hours क Ex: Pyramids were often also named in ways that referred to solar luminescence. उ: इन्के नाम क मत्लब "गोल-आन्खोन वाले" माना गया है। कमलबंधु Ex: Unmanned probes have been sent to all the major planets in the solar system कमलिनीकांत Ex: Some spacecraft propulsion methods such as solar sails provide very low कमलिनीबंधु Ex: Satellites use solar arrays for their power. कालकृत् Ex: Typical solar panels have an average efficiency of 12% कालिंदीसू Ex: A typical "150 watt" solar panel isabout a square meter in size. किरणकेतु Ex: When journeying toouter parts of the solar system किरणपति Ex: Up to four solar eclipses occur each year किरनकेतु Ex: Moon and Earth during a solar eclipse. किरनाकर Ex: Total solar eclipses are rare events. कोकदेव Ex: If the date and time of any solar eclipse are known कोकबंधु Ex: Spectacular solar eclipses are an extreme rarity within the universe at large. खगपति Ex: The Chronicle of Ireland recorded a solar eclipse on June 29 खतिलक Ex: According to the point reached in the solar cycle खमणि Ex: During a solar eclipse खररश्मि Ex: Europe and Northern Asia as partial solar eclipse. खुरशोद Ex: Artificial satellites do play an important role in documenting solar eclipses. गगनध्वज Ex: The solar cells provide energy for use in the church गगनविहारी Ex: Before its most recent passage through the solar system गभस्तिकर Ex: 1996. The solar wind had a velocity at the time of about 750 km/s गभस्तिपाणि Ex: Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model of the solar system. गभस्तिमाली Ex: The solar system has been relatively well-studied गभस्तिहस्त Ex: The solar system is subdivided into the inner planets गोकर Ex: Our solar system orbits within the Milky Way गोपति Ex: These can contain up to 50 solar masses of material. ग्रहग्रामणी Ex: Early stars of less than 2 solar masses are called T Tauri stars ग्रहनायक Ex: The Sun loses 10−14 solar masses every year ग्रहपति Ex: However very massive stars can lose 10−7 to 10−5 solar masses each year ग्रहपुष Ex: In a red giant of up to 2.25 solar masses ग्रहराज Ex: Red dwarf stars with less than 0.4 solar masses are convective throughout ग्रहीस Ex: The corona region of the Sun is normally only visible during a solar eclipse. ग्रहेश Ex: When it formed from the solar nebula घर्मांशु Ex: The increase in solar temperatures is such that in about 900 million years घस्र् Ex: It comprises approximately 99% of the total mass of the solar system. घामनिधि Ex: The solar core comprises 10 percent of its total volume घृणि Ex: The solar interior is not directly observable घृणिनिधि Ex: X-rays and UV radiation from solar flares during a time of high solar activity. चंडदीधिति Ex: Yohkoh observed an entire solar cycle चंडरश्मि Ex: A solar wind sample return mission चक्रबंधु Ex: This enables stereoscopic imaging of the Sun and solar phenomena चक्रबांधव Ex: A mean Earth solar day is approximately 24 hours चित्रभानु Ex: The Earth is located in the habitable zone of the solar system चित्ररथ Ex: Solar calendars assign a date to each solar day. उ: उनके सैकड़ों गण थे और चित्ररथ उनका प्रधान अधिपति था। जगत्साक्षी Ex: Other types of calendar may also use a solar day. जनचक्षु Ex: In a solar calendar a year approximates Earth's tropical year जातवेद Ex: Even if a calendar is solar but not lunar ज्योतिष्मान् Ex: Sensitive observers of the solar system ज्योतिस् Ex: Elsewhere in the solar system ज्वालमाली Ex: Spacecraft can be buffeted by solar winds तंत्रायी Ex: How close are the solar system's moons to their Roche limits? तपु Ex: However they are probably also higher than solar values. तमोहपह Ex: It seems most likely that it was captured from a solar orbit in the early 1970s तिग्मकर Ex: Portugal wants renewable energy sources like solar तिग्मतेज Ex: The movement of mass ejected from the Sun is known as the solar wind. तिग्मदोधिति Ex: A transit is similar to a solar eclipse by the Moon but तिग्मद्युति, तिग्मभास Ex: The next solar eclipse occurring during a transit of Venus will be on 5 April तिग्ममयूखमाली Ex: A different hypothesis is that variations in solar output तिग्मरश्मि Ex: Elemental hydrogen from solar तिमिररिपु Ex: Impact cratering is a common occurrence on many solar system bodies. तीक्ष्णरश्मि Ex: Hotspot volcanoes are also found elsewhere in the solar system तीव्रद्युति Ex: Its lavas are the hottest known anywhere in the solar system तुर्कचीन Ex: 1575. The next one is the solar eclipse of July 22 तुर्करोज Ex: The mission replaced the solar arrays for the second time. तुलाधर Ex: The solar avoidance angle is about 50° त्रयीतनु Ex: Antarctica receives relatively little solar radiation. त्रिलोकनाथ Ex: These could be solar energy, hydropower and wind energy . त्रिलोकमणि Ex: These are the outermost planets of the solar system . त्रैलोक्यबंधु Ex: A solar eclipse त्विट्पति Ex: A solar eclipse त्विषांपति Ex: Astronomical Day, The space of twenty-four solar average hours counted an afternoon at the other त्विषामोश Ex: graphical description of a solar eclipse दणयर, दणियर Ex: In terms of Astronomy, annular eclipse, solar eclipse, during which he remains on the edges of the disc of this star a circle or ring light दशरश्मिशत Ex: In terms of medicine, solar Syndrome, nervous disorder that region दिणंद Ex: It is said of the Rays which in the solar spectrum are beyond the purple दिनदीप Ex: solar eclipse दिनदेव Ex: substantively, the orange is one of seven basic colors which are distinguished in the solar spectrum दिननाथ Ex: The concentration of solar radiation at the focus of a lens उ: दिनान्त था थे दिननाथ डूबते, सधेनु आते गृह ग्वाल बाल थे। दिनपति Ex: The latitude, solar longitude of a planet दिनपाल Ex: The sidereal year is slightly longer than the solar year दिनप्रणी Ex: The solar cycle is twenty-eight years दिनबंधु Ex: The solar system दिनमणि Ex: The solar year दिनमयूख Ex: They are divided into solar hours, medium, or equal, true solar hours and hours of the first mobile दिनरत्न Ex: ultraviolet rays, rays which in the solar spectrum, are placed beyond the violet दिनराज Ex: L'année has the same duration as the solar year or tropical दिनराव Ex: L'année Saturn is thirty solar years दिनियर Ex: The purple is one of extreme colors of the solar spectrum दिमंकर दिवकार दिवसकर दिवसपुष्ट दिवसमणि दिवसेश्वर दिवापुष्ट दिवामणि दिवावसु दीप्तकिरण दुतिवान दूहोहण दृन्फू देवमणि देहकर्ता देहभुज् द्युपति द्युमणि द्युवन् धर्मांशु धामकेशी ध्वांतशत्रु नभःपांथ नभस्मय पंचरश्मि पचत पद्मकर पद्मगर्भ पद्मपाणि पद्मलांछन पपेरीक पार्थिवनंदन पार्थिवपुत्र पार्थिवसुत पार्थिवात्मज पेयु पेरु प्रकाशकर्ता प्रतिदिवा प्रुष्व बिंबिका बृहद्भानु भाकोश, भाकोष भानुकेशर, भानुकेसर भानुदेव भानुमत् भानेमि भालु भास्वत् भूताक्ष रश्मिमाली रश्मिमुच रात्रिद्विष रात्रिनाशन रानापति रुचिधाम रूसियाह रोहित् ललाटंतप लोकचक्षु लोकप्रकाशन लोकबंधु लोकलोचन वासरकृत् वासराधीश विध्र वियन्मणि वियन्मध्यहंस विश्वचक्षु विश्वज्योति विश्वपा विश्वप्रकाशक वृषाकपि वृहदभानु वेघ वेदमूर्ति वेदवाहन वेदात्मा वेदोदय व्योमत्न शम्श शम्शी शुभ्रि शुष्ण शोचिष्केश शोषयित्नु सदागति सप्तसप्ति सर्वलोचन सवभवोद्भव सहरि सहसकर, सहसकिरन सहस्त्रकर सहस्त्रगु सहस्त्रदीधिति सहस्त्रपाद उ: इसमें सहस्त्रपाद व गोजर सहित लगभग १३,००० जातियाँ सम्मिलित हैं। सहस्त्रमरीचि सहस्त्ररश्मि सहस्त्रांक सहस्त्रांशु सहुरि सायंमंडन सारंग,सारँग सुरभानु सुरुज ‡ सूरय सूर्ज सूर्य उ: सूर्य का बाह्य प्रभामंडल दृश्यमान अंतिम परत है। सूर्ययंज्ञ सौर उ: यहां सभी झूले सौर ऊर्जा से संचालित हैं। स्त्रहस्त्रकिरण स्वर्णभाक्, स्वर्णभाज् स्वर्णरेता स्वर्मणि हरहंस हरितहरि हरित् हरिहय हर्मुट हिमद्रुट् हेममाली हेलि हेलिक होरख्श
Solar ki paribhasha : antariksh men prathvi, mngala, shani aadi grahon ke bich sabase bad jvalnt pind jisaki sab grah parikrama karate hain vah jo soory ka poojak ya upaasak ho
ExamplesUsage of Solar in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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