Soldiery meaning in hindi
As noun : अस्कर Ex: The city was a prey to the violence of the soldiery
गजव्रज Ex: The insults of the soldiery ध्वजनी फउज ‡ बलकाय भटबलाग्र वरूथवती शर्द्ध, शर्ध ससेन, ससैन सेना उ: कौटिल्य ने सेना के छः प्रकार बताए हैं। सैन ‡ सैनिक दल सैनी ‡ हस्सम
Soldiery ki paribhasha : kisi ko aaraam dena ya usaka kaam karana
ExamplesUsage of Soldiery in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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