Solemn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Solemn
As adjective : अकिल्विष Ex:  Soldiers performed their duties with full solemn for their mother land.
अतहार Ex:  He looked very solemn when he came to know about his uncles death. अथग Ex:  he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion अदंब Ex:  She took her solemn vows on May 14 अपिच्छिल Ex:  Article 44 says that during solemn occasions अभिविनीत Ex:  He returned to Cuba on 14 March to a solemn reception by Fidel and Raúl Castro अमनिया Ex:  The passage recording the ratification of the promise is remarkably solemn . ईश्वरपूजक Ex:  Their style is also said to be solemn and majestic. उल्लाघ Ex:  You'd get a solemn and contrite, Yes. उशत् Ex:  Besides, the whole school seemed so strange and solemn . औंड़ा Ex:  A very solemn prud'hommesque औपचारिक Ex:  Abort, by a solemn act, a religion or doctrine उ:   औपचारिक शिक्षा स्वल्प ही पायी थी। औप्चारिक Ex:  And he said to the formalities which make a solemn act, authentic उ:   आज इस पुल का औप्चारिक नाम विवेकानंद सेतू है। कृतशौच Ex:  Antique Char mounted on two wheels and drawn by four horses abreast, the use of the Olympic Games went to other solemn games of Greece and the Italy गँभीर Ex:  Antique solemn festivals were celebrated in Athens in honor of Pallas Athene गंभीर Ex:  at Sparta, there was a solemn procession in which one of the most important women of the city carried the statue of Diana उ:   वह लंबे समय से कई गंभीर बीमारियों से पीड़ित थे। गम्भीर Ex:  By extension, he said in a solemn song composed to celebrate the country, his advocates, etc उ:   नेताजी गम्भीर रूप से जल गये थे। गरवी Ex:  Catechism of Perseverance, most developed Catechism, whose children are teaching after First solemn गरुअ Ex:  Ceremony is done in convents, when given the habit of a religious, a religious, and which commonly precedes by one year solemn profession गरुवा Ex:  Devote a solemn ceremony तीर्थीभूत Ex:  double holidays, says in ecclesiastical topics, some of whose feasts Office is more solemn than that of others; Festivals and called semi-double Those who hold the middle between the double and single feasts तैर्थिक Ex:  Establish solemn games धूतकल्मष Ex:  Figuratively, colloquially and ironically, it is said of a person who has manners, a solemn and emphatic निरूपस्कृत Ex:  Funeral pump, whole apparatus of a convoy to bring a dead earth, and everything about the ceremony of a solemn service पवनि Ex:  GREETINGS, plural, means the Ceremony for the solemn profession of the religious state पविट्र Ex:  He also said, in terms of liturgy, d a piece measured and rhymed verse, which is sung at solemn masses after the gradual and alleluia पवित्र Ex:  He still said placed lodges Species in some rooms solemn meetings, and from where, without being seen, one can see and listen to उ:   इस प्रकार यह क्षेत्र बहुत पवित्र माना जाता है। पाकोजा Ex:  He thought as a public and solemn Absolution which gave the people on Holy Thursday morning or on Wednesday evening in the holy cathedrals पो Ex:  Honor granted Roman antiquity to the Romans after army generals to great victories and was to make a pompous and solemn entry into Rome पौण्य Ex:  I am obliged to be your occupation, I make a public profession, a solemn profession प्रवीत Ex:  Imprecation was said, in terms of antiquity, solemn prayers made against someone to get revenge on him, divine punishment फरच, फरचा Ex:  In terms of canon law, issuance of vows, solemn vows pronunciation महान Ex:  It also means solemn Convention made between states उ:   उन्होंने कहा कि वह एक महान राजा बनेगा। मुबर्रा Ex:  It is said in the same direction: A solemn language मुस्तफा Ex:  It means Illuminate especially on the occasion of a festival or a solemn मेघ्य Ex:  It said, among Catholics, the solemn act by which a heretic met at church and statement censures he had incurred यज्ञिय Ex:  It was him Such a solemn church service in रीतिक Ex:  Judgment in red robes, solemn stop that make being judges in red robes विंझ Ex:  officer who formerly was responsible for making certain solemn publications, some important messages, and which filled also various functions in public ceremonies विनिर्मल Ex:  Public Statement, authentic, solemn वैतान Ex:  public, solemn Atonement व्यायत Ex:  SERVICE, in terms of liturgy, says the solemn celebration of the Divine Office, Mass and public prayers all who are in the church शान्त Ex:  Severe harmony and solemn उ:   यह भी उसी के अनुग्रह पर शान्त हुआ। शुंध्यु Ex:  solemn Feast शुद्घ Ex:  solemn Feast among Mohammedans, at the end of Ramadan is the time of their fasting समारोही Ex:  solemn Testament सविधि Ex:  solemn Word उ:   तीसरे दिन वैदिक शांतिपाठपूर्वक कुंड में सविधि अग्निस्थापन होता है।
Other : गभीर Ex:  Bread blesses bread that is blessed during a solemn mass which is distributed the pieces to worshipers in धर्म संबंधी Ex:  figuratively and ironically, it means Having in his words, his voice, his gestures a solemn and significant air बनावटी गम्भीर Ex:  In terms of Greek antiquity, he said in a procession, a solemn and sacred deputation विधिवत Ex:  Public Ceremony makes a solemn thing उ:   इन राइफल्स में विधिवत अनुकूलित हटना होना चाहिए। संजीदा Ex:  solemn Oath सत्य Ex:  solemn Sacrifice उ:   इस प्रकार सत्य की भी कसौटी अहिंसा ही है। सत्यनिषठ Ex:  SOLEMN still means Who is with a ceremonial solemn ससमारोह Ex:  The pump of a triumph, a solemn entrance, a tournament
Solemn ki paribhasha : jo keval kahane sunane ke liye ho kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain
Usage of Solemn in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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