Sound meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sound
As noun : अकृश Ex:  the sound of rain on the roof
अक्खाना Ex:  He returned sound and unimpaired from the battle field. अच्छा Ex:  a witty impromptu must not sound premeditated उ:   वह छात्रों के साथ अच्छा तालमेल साझा करते हैं। अच्छाबिच्छा Ex:  he loved the sound of his own oratory अटपट Ex:  amplify sound अद्रव Ex:  At night I heard a sound inconspicuously. अनुद्धृत Ex:  Nina tried to muffle her sound when she heard a noise down stairs. अपिच्छिल Ex:  Use earphones to get a better sound quality. अपोच Ex:  The sibilant sound of whispering. अभिधानक Ex:  nowadays digitizing is taking place and old songs are being converted to digital format for better sound quality. अमीक Ex:  He loved the sound of his own oratory. अवाज Ex:  a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound आँअकना Ex:  attenuation in the volume of the sound आभिरामिक Ex:  The clock has a very sound machinery. इतलाक Ex:  There was a rumbling sound of gunfire at night.
There was a continous rumbling sound of volcano which has errupted recently.
उच्चार Ex:  Quadrophony is a system in which sound is recorded and reproduced through four channels. उच्चारण करना Ex:  The theater has quadrophonic sound effects. उदभावन Ex:  He is very good at gobbling while imitating the sound of birds. उद्गगाढ Ex:  We heard the ting-a-ling sound of the anklets. उपकिरण Ex:  the sound system had both tweeters and woofers उपलंभ Ex:  Listen to the sound of this cello ऊँडा Ex:  The boy got a sound spanking. Ex:  The sound is coming from the toot. औंड़ा Ex:  The sound of the movie is not in sync with the picture. कणीची Ex:  We can sound the depth of thw sea with the help of an echo-sounder. कलाना Ex:  The sound of laughter carried me back to childhood days. कालकील Ex:  The sound of the waterfall finally died away . किंगाना Ex:  The sound of the waves lulled me to sleep . कृतागम Ex:  We all made out that we hadn't heard the sound . क्षमताशील Ex:  This house is as sound as a dollar . क्षोदक्षम Ex:  The garage is still sound as a dollar . क्ष्वेड Ex:  You sound like you are angry . खुब Ex:  Just sound off if you've got a beef . गजनि Ex:  The tuk sound has evolved over the years गलवार्त Ex:  2.7 million sound recordings गहरा Ex:  The series was also notable for its use of sound उ:   उनकी कला पर इसका गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा। गहराई नापना Ex:  The twelve Mutual comedies were revamped as sound movies in 1933 गहरी Ex:  After the arrival of sound films उ:   लॉगथिराई का अर्थ गहरी घाटी भी होता है। गहिर Ex:  Whale song is the sound made by whales to communicate. गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  Humans produce sound by expelling air through the larynx. ग्राव Ex:  Cetacean sound production differs markedly from this mechanism. घंटानाद Ex:  The bass guitar produces a different sound than the double bass घरराट Ex:  Television sends the picture as AM and the sound as FM घोकपु Ex:  Colour is the essence of painting as sound is of music. चियारना Ex:  Their sound was not instrumental चीतारना Ex:  The sound of these bands was hard-edged rock चौडा़ना Ex:  One of the main venues of the early Trance music sound was the Omen nightclub छंम Ex:  The IPA defines a vowel as a sound which occurs at a syllable center. छमी Ex:  "The kwaito sound now regularly incorporates traditional African music छुरण Ex:  Gamble and Huff were architects of the Philadelphia sound in soul music जडैल Ex:  Drums typically sound heavy and dry, and often have a minimal set-up. जाँचनाना Ex:  Hell left Television and founded a band featuring a more stripped-down sound ज्ँआचना Ex:  On the Swedish side of the sound directly across from Copenhagen Ex:  Black Sabbath undeniably played a role in shaping the grunge sound टहूकना Ex:  Most languages make use of sound ठहकना Ex:  Words such as "meow" sound similar to what they represent ठोस Ex:  Mistaking the shot for the sound of a book falling उ:   ठोस में, कण बारीकी से भरे होते हैं। Ex:  Similar sound changes are found in other Romance languages उ:   इसके नाटक होटल ड बुरगाइन में खेले गए। Ex:  In compensation for the lack of classical beauty of sound तंदुरूस्त Ex:  And she took the big sound right up to the top". तह में चला जाना Ex:  They usually establish dominance by sound and physical posturing तीव्र Ex:  Tone production and volume of sound depend on a combination of several factors. उ:   द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के बाद भूगोल का विकास बड़ी तीव्र गति से हुआ। दीयासलाई Ex:  Linguistic structures are pairings of meaning and sound दुरुस्त Ex:  George Lucas hired Ben Burtt to oversee the sound effects on A New Hope. उ:   इस इलाके में सभी सड़कों को दुरुस्त किया जा रहा है। दूरारूढ Ex:  Lucasfilm developed the THX sound reproduction standard for Return of the Jedi. द्रवेतर Ex:  Through regular sound development धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी Ex:  Along with studio tricks such as sound effects धुजाना Ex:  Lionel Richie ‘Endless Love’ sound like Mahler”. धुणि Ex:  The sound of approaching sirens is heard धुनकार Ex:  This was the sound he had been looking for. धुनिकारि Ex:  Presley's sound proved hard to categorize धुन्नी Ex:  Overall, the country is on a sound economic footing. ध्रीह Ex:  The best sound of the recordings is the Schubert ninth symphony ध्वनि निकालना Ex:  While his design was sound and the plans were probably correct ध्वनि Ex:  There is no sound in any of the reels so far उ:   ध्वनि अपनी तरंगों से हवा में हलचल पैदा करती है। ध्वनिसिद्धात Ex:  The one exception is the open sound of long Ä नांदोघोष Ex:  The matter that supports the sound is called the medium. नापना Ex:  Equipment for generating or using sound includes musical instruments निक Ex:  In addition to the use of sound for communication निघुष्ट Ex:  The general Allied concept of the battle was sound निदान करना Ex:  It is an extremely crucial element of sound निरोगी Ex:  "Divide and rule, a sound motto निर्ह्वाद Ex:  Music is an art form consisting of sound and silence. निह्नाद Ex:  Some musical styles focus on producing a sound for a performance नीरंध्र Ex:  When sound film was introduced in the late 1920s नोनो Ex:  Sound sculptures take the form of indoor sound installations पक्क् Ex:  Return of Saturn, four years later with a dominant New Wave sound परिछना Ex:  Mixing 1980s punk rock and some grunge influences into the band's sound परीक्षा लेना Ex:  "I may not have married for very sound reasons परीक्षा ल् होना Ex:  This new sound received mixed reviews from critics पारगत Ex:  Schwartz banged on the accordion case and provided comical sound effects. पिस्तरना Ex:  Describing their general sound प्रघोष Ex:  Beyond this aspect of the band's sound प्रचारान Ex:  Yannes criticized other contemporary computer sound chips as "primitive प्रणाय्य Ex:  There was a concern we didn't get the sound right प्रतिबल Ex:  "Of all the sound effects that we created प्रतूर्ण, प्रतूर्त Ex:  Previously he had his brother sound out Henry VII of England प्रविविक्त Ex:  The reasons, however, today sound much like pre-Copernican astronomy. प्रस्तीत, प्रस्तीम Ex:  Whitfield again restructured the Temptations' sound प्राणापत्नि Ex:  To find a character with unknown sound using one of these dictionaries फरालन ‡ Ex:  It may be a truth or a lie, or just the sound of a kiss. फाइन Ex:  This was a long sound but over time, the vowel developed to an sound. फेँकरना Ex:  Since Å is a letter with a distinct sound फैलाना Ex:  The letter å represents the sound as in Scandinavian languages. बागना ‡ Ex:  Waters and Wright each contributed material that had its own voice and sound बिटालना Ex:  The band's sound was considerably more focused on Meddle बिस्तरना Ex:  Saxophone forms an important part of the album's sound बुलना ‡ Ex:  Incidental sound effects and snippets of interviews feature alongside the music बुल्लना Ex:  Both in terms of sound and lyrical content बोलना Ex:  The key to a sound lasting relationship is communication . उ:   मेरी राय में अन्नप्राशन के बाद ही शिशु बोलना शुरू करता है। भाउन Ex:  A beautiful sound of voices मर्मव्यथा Ex:  A concert of voices and instruments the sound of instruments मायोभव Ex:  A distinct sound मुबारक Ex:  A full voice, a voice whose sound roundness, volume मूर्त्तिमान Ex:  A sound body मेद्य Ex:  A sound policy यौवनस्थ Ex:  At the sound of his death रूद् Ex:  Baguette, formerly shaped small bow, equipped horsehair, used to make the sound of stringed musical instruments रैट Ex:  Body movement performed by one or more persons, which is done in time, with measured steps, and usually the sound of instruments or sometimes voice लतीफ Ex:  Dancing on violin, the sound of the violin वग्नु Ex:  Dancing to the sound of bagpipes वग्वनु Ex:  Dancing to the sound of the old वसीक Ex:  drummed is also used as a transitive verb and means Announce the sound of drums वाशी Ex:  Enhance the sound of your instrument उ:   वाशी क्रींक तथा मुलुंड सेतु नवी मुंबई को मुंबई से जोड़ता है। विकीरन Ex:  Everything sounds the sound of his exploits, his great deeds विक्षाव Ex:  Fill the earth, the world, the world of the sound of his name विनद Ex:  Grammar Employment common sound in the i words of a language विप्रसारण Ex:  Grammar Formation of a word whose sound imitates the thing it means विमूर्त Ex:  Grammar Rhetoric Figure of employing in the same sentence of words whose sound is somewhat similar but whose meaning is different विराविणी Ex:  Grammar syllable is pronounced by sounding, a single voice broadcast, the sound of two vowels विरिब्ध Ex:  Grammar Who has the same sound विरुत Ex:  harmonious voice, sound विरोग Ex:  Having sound ideas विवार Ex:  He also said, as noun, a sound system composed of seven notes, such as the range व्यक्त करना Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of music, the distance that there is a sound to another, going from high to low or low to high व्यायत Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of music, the signs that indicate the intensity more or less desired in the sound of an instrument or voice शंखस्वन Ex:  He still says the extension of the sound of a bell, which still is decreasing in the air after the shot hit शीघ्रीय Ex:  Hearing the gun, the sound of bells श्रुतिविषय Ex:  His voice blends well with his instrument, this instrument, the sound of this instrument श्लाघित Ex:  I like the speed of sound style संघुषित Ex:  In terms of grammar, he said Graphies representing one sound संघुष्ट Ex:  In terms of physics, it means the Manner in which the light and sound spread, and some movements are born each other संप्रसारण Ex:  In terms of physics, sound waves, ripples of air produces sound संवल्गित Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art, Piping Horse, Horse who heard a whistling sound while breathing species संशब्दन Ex:  In terms of vocal music, throat Stroke, said of a single issue of voice, sound संहतिशाली Ex:  In the word Sea, always sound the R; but this letter in the infinitive love, does that sound before a vowel सद्द; Ex:  Intercepting the sound समद्धत Ex:  It also means uniformity, similarity of sound in the word endings समरथ Ex:  It also means who gives much of his, which has a beautiful sound समर्थ Ex:  It also means Who sends out the sound, where the sound resonates उ:   ये इतने समर्थ होते हैं कि अन्य भावों को अपने में विलीन कर लेते हैं। समुच्चार Ex:  It also said the letter designating that sound समुदीरण Ex:  It also says a suite of rapid vibrations, especially when speaking of sound Corps समुन्मीलन Ex:  It is said, to similar effect, a monotonous sound सरीहनीय Ex:  It is, by extension, Noise somewhat similar as are some other sound when the body moves or that the shocks सलाई Ex:  It means, by analogy, Making a sound like a bell being struck उ:   इसमें हाथ और सलाई के प्रयोग से वस्तु का कई कोणों से परीक्षण होता है। सहारोग्य Ex:  It says an emotion caused in a camp, in a place of war, the approach or the sound of approaching enemies सही Ex:  It still means who is well founded, which was based on sound principles उ:   उनका कश्मीर का भौगोलिक वर्णन सही है। सहीसलामत Ex:  just Ringing, ringing false, Making a sound that is fair, that is not सहीह Ex:  Make an uncertain sound साधुमत् Ex:  Metal is also said Voice, Voice makes a metallic sound सामर्थ्यवान Ex:  Onomatopoeia which is used to express the sound of a blow, a fall सुक्रय Ex:  Opening the mouth produced by the encounter, by the immediate succession of two vowels sound सौँधी Ex:  PEDAL is also used in the art of musical composition, to designate the Keeping the same sound for several measures in a part स्तुषेय्य Ex:  Physics own instrument to measure the intensity of sound or voice स्थिरदंष्ट्र Ex:  piano pedals, wood or metal buttons which are placed under the instrument on which you press with your foot to change the sound in different ways स्यंदनध्वनि Ex:  Post sound of trumpet स्वधित Ex:  PRACTICAL also expresses a steel instrument or tin, that the puppeteers put in their mouths, to change the sound of their voices when they talk Punch स्वरपरिवर्त Ex:  Repeat sound when struck against a body that returns more or less distinctly or What produces this repetition, the place where it is स्वरयोग Ex:  Return sound स्वस्त Ex:  Return sound स्वस्थ Ex:  RING is transitive, meaning Making a sound of something, make it give audio उ:   आज स्वस्थ भारत का निर्माण चुनौती बन गई है। हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  speaking of the composer, Mark in a song, using agreed signs, greater or lesser intensity desired in the sound of an instrument or voice It also means Observing these signs, speaking of the Running हिसाब लेना Ex:  String instruments where the sound is formed by the vibrations of the strings ह्लद Ex:  Sucking milk from the evangelical doctrine, sound doctrines, etc
As verb : उच्चारित करना Ex:  The sound of the crackers is really startling. उद्धम Ex:  Why are you making croaking sound like frog? कोँपना Ex:  This investment is as sound as a dollar . छिबना Ex:  Philadelphia soul began to develop its own sound झनकाना Ex:  Mandinga djambadon and the kundere sound of the Bijagos islands. बजाना Ex:  To reflect the sound of Morse code रुनकाना Ex:  At the sound of the harp लगना Ex:  Cantor Voice, strong voice and sound समुद्र की गहराई को उपकरणौं से निकालना Ex:  It has sound views, healthy and just ideas
As adjective : उपात्त Ex:  the candidate was found theologically sound युक्तियुक्त Ex:  Accent sound उ:   अतएव जैन दर्शन का बुद्ध दर्शन से प्राचीन होना युक्तियुक्त अनुमान है। युक्तिसंगत Ex:  Arts Apparatus for amplifying sound उ:   इसलिये मूल्यमीमांसा को मूल्य का विज्ञान कहना अधिक युक्तिसंगत नहीं हे। योक्तिक Ex:  At the first sound of that accident
Other : आवाज Ex:  his quadraphonic sound system उ:   इसकी आवाज से ही इसकी उपस्थिति को जाना जा सकता है। आवाज़ Ex:  He was sound awake. उ:   हमारी आवाज़ कोई नहीं सुनता। आवाज़ Ex:  Everyone got scared due to the sound of a gunshot. आहट Ex:  The cello's light sound was not as suitable for church and ensemble playing गम्भीर Ex:  Roach packaged the 80 sound Our Gang shorts as The Little Rascals. उ:   महान शब्द उन्हीं के मुख से निकलते हैं जिनमें विचार गम्भीर और गहन हों। गहराई के साथ या अच्छी तरह Ex:  Much of the programme's budget was spent on sound effects घाव की गहराई नापने का यन्त्र Ex:  Most programmers simply use local, OS-specific sound APIs. घोष Ex:  Ghana remains one of the more economically sound countries in all of Africa. उ:   वसुमित्र के बाद भद्रक, पुलिंदक, घोष तथा फिर वज्रमित्र क्रमशः राजा हुए। चंगा Ex:  American soldiers supposedly used the sound to their advantage चकार Ex:  The Nashville sound was a popular kind of country music that arose in the 1950s चाँगला Ex:  Many musicians preferred a rougher sound चुस्त Ex:  Beatlesque element" to the sound of bands like Nirvana जान पड़ना Ex:  Chief examples of these are sound reproduction devices डमरूमध्य Ex:  It is believed that sound communication between elephants on large distances थाह लगाना Ex:  This is hypocoristic rather than the result of a regular sound change थाह लेना Ex:  When the clock strikes midnight, Clara hears the sound of mice. ध्वनि या आवाज़ Ex:  Many find the sound of flowing water to be calming, too. नाद Ex:  For example, the speed of sound in gases depends on temperature. उ:   यह नाद चर्च की खूबसूरती को कई गुना बड़ा देती है। निनाद Ex:  Bandleaders like Louis Jordan innovated the sound of early R&B निरोग Ex:  Surf was an instrumental guitar genre characterized by a distorted sound उ:   बालारिष्ट को योगों का ज्ञान करके बालक को निरोग रखने में मदद मिलती है। पता लगाना Ex:  The album's distinctly pop sound sharply contrasted with the grunge movement विशुद्ध Ex:  He has good judgment, sound mind उ:   अतः उसी को पुकारो, धर्म को उसी के लिए विशुद्ध करके। शब्द करना Ex:  He teaches, he professes a good, sound doctrine शब्द Ex:  He woke to the sound of the exploits of his rival उ:   ‘पुरा’ शब्द का अर्थ है - अनागत एवं अतीत। समांग Ex:  It also said the gas, the heat, light, sound उ:   ऐसी दशा में दोनों गैसे मिलकर एक समांग मिश्रण बन जाती है। समूचा Ex:  It is sometimes said, to similar effect, speaking of a famous figure, a hero, The sound of his name, the sound of his exploits उ:   समूचा शरीर सुंदर रोओं से ढँका होता है। सलामत Ex:  It puts into a piece of music, where sound must be strengthened स्वन Ex:  Quality of what is sound उ:   स्वन नियमों की अटूटता में इनका विश्वास था। स्वर Ex:  Redouble, inside words, he often sound simple, like in appearance, appetite, Opposition, Report उ:   अन्य स्वर शुद्ध लगते हैं।
Sound ki paribhasha : paani jisamen jamin bahut andar jaakar mile lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana varnon ka avyakt mool roop kuber ke ek mntri ka naam kisi vastu ka vistaar is prakaar nirdhaarit karana ki vah ek niyat vistaar ka kitana guna hai kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana muanh se shabd nikaalana saarthak vaaky men milaakar rakhe hue shabdon ki snsakti ko dhaatu ki bani hui koi patali chhoti chhad shravanendriy me utpann snvedan athava vah vishay jisaka grahan shravanodriy men ho
Usage of Sound in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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