Sounding meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sounding
As adverb : जिसकी एक खास ध्वनि हो Ex:  A newsreel included file footage of Callas from 1955 sounding well
Other :
अनुनादी Ex:  The Newspaper became a sounding board for the revolutionaries. आवाज करना Ex:  Ulrich's "steely" sounding snare drum गहराई नापना Ex:  She came on stage sounding like our deepest contralto, Cloe Elmo. जाँच Ex:  A bootleg recording of the first act survives reveals Callas sounding ill. उ:   चोरों से उसने उसे खरीदने से पहले पूरी जाँच करवाई थी। टोह Ex:  A shocking sounding थाह लेना Ex:  Be at my house at noon sounding शब्दायमान Ex:  The rhymes are words of sounding
Usage of Sounding in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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