Soundly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Soundly
As adverb : अच्छी तरह Ex:  She was soundly beaten in the argument.
काफ़ी अच्छे से Ex:  Banda and the MCP were soundly defeated. गहरी नींद में Ex:  Howard and his Coalition were soundly defeated पक्के ढंग से Ex:  Although the Spanish army was soundly defeated at the Battle of Ceresole बनाई Ex:  It snoozing soundly उ:   इसके लिए उन्होंने बीमा योजनाएँ बनाई हैं। बुरी तरह से Ex:  Sleeping soundly बेढब Ex:  , soundly बेतरह Ex:  We have beaten soundly भलीभाँत मजबूत ढंग से मुँहभर सर्वतोभाव, सर्वतोभावेन
Usage of Soundly in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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