Southern meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Southern
As noun : दक्षिन की ओर जाने वाला Ex:  Central Iguaçu went to Paraná, and southern Iguaçu went to Santa Catarina.
As adjective :
अपाचीन Ex:  the dank climate of southern Wales उत्तरेतर Ex:  Rice is the most commonly consumed food in southern India. दक्षिण से आने वाला Ex:  Ruth was born at 216 Emory Street in southern Baltimore, Maryland. दक्षिणी अमरीकी Ex:  Bede wrote that Saint Ninian , had converted the southern Picts. दक्षिणी Ex:  In New Brunswick and southern Quebec उ:   इसमें दक्षिणी ओर जहांगीरी महल और अकबर महल हैं। दत्क्षिनी Ex:  New South Wales, and southern Queensland.
Other : जनूबी Ex:  The rich Wessex culture developed in southern Britain at this time. उ:   राजधानी दुशान्बे जनूबी ढलानों पर वादी कअफ़रन्गइन के ऊपर वाक़िअ है। दक्खिनी Ex:  Sicily, southern France, and Spain. उ:   इनकी हिन्दी रचनाओं की भाषा, ब्रज और दक्खिनी हिन्दी है ११। दक्षिण की ओर का Ex:  Smuts collected plants extensively over southern Africa. दाक्षिणात्य Ex:  Snowfall is common in all but the far southern valleys. उ:   दाक्षिणात्य परंपरा में सूर्य लंबा कोट और बूट नहीं धारण करते।
Usage of Southern in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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