Spacing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Spacing
As noun : अँतर Ex:  some women do not control the spacing of their children
अंतर Ex:  Variations in the pattern's spacing often give rise to an iridescent effect उ:   इसके पूर्वी एवं पश्चिमी किनारों में बड़ा अंतर है। अंतरख Ex:  The spacing between these levels is equal to where h is the Planck constant अंतराल Ex:  The spacing can then be reduced with practice and familiarity. उ:   पोस्टमार्टम के अंतराल का पता लगाया जा सकता है। अंतरालन Ex:  Irish monks introduced spacing between words in the seventh century. अंतरु Ex:  Bringing It still means one against the other party, the spacing formed an opening अपरभाव Ex:  In terms of Printing, Blanch a page, most household Y be white, line spacing इख्तिलाफ Ex:  Regular spacing छेती Ex:  The spacing of studs, joists, columns, buildings फेरफार Ex:  The spacing of the legs बिचहुत Ex:  The spacing of two lines बीचु् Ex:  Who of the two genres is written in the line spacing, line spacing in भिन्नात विचाल विचाल विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण विभजन विभिदा वैशिष्टय व्यावृत्
Other : अंतराल छोड़ना Ex:  Based on the spacing of the six preserved knobs in this specimen
Usage of Spacing in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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