Span meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Span
As noun : अवधि में फैला होना Ex:  The span of mans life is 100 years.
अवधि Ex:  Dogs have a life span fron six years to sixteen years. उ:   यह अवधि २५ एपिसोड तक चली। आर पार फैला होना Ex:  The wing span of the aircraft. कुर्ब्बि Ex:  Let them stay out for a long span of time, ordered industrialist. गोनी Ex:  He finished a four year term in the span of three years. चौडाई Ex:  For example, ''Batfish'' sank three such in the span of four days. उ:   इस पहाडी की लंबाई १५० फीट व चौडाई ७५० फीट है। पझर Ex:  Well-established jazz musicians whose careers span decades पाट Ex:  As the construction was supervised by different people in the span of 300 years उ:   इनकी संख्या पाट के अनुसार कम ज्यादा होती है। प्रतित Ex:  It consists of a network of 300 bus lines which span the entire Attica Basin प्रतिस्फलन Ex:  The span of the Attiki Odos in all is 70 km. प्रवाँण Ex:  Mayors and chairpersons are elected for a span of five years. प्रविस्तर, प्रविस्तार Ex:  Owens' greatest achievement came in a span of 45 minutes on May 25 फराल Ex:  These concerts were all shown only once during that four-year span फैला होना Ex:  Goethe's works span the fields of poetry फैलाव Ex:  Bridges span parts of both harbours उ:   इस हालत में अक्सर गले की शिराओं में फैलाव आ जाता है। बगारो Ex:  However, the span collapsed, causing Kirk to fall. बिस्तार Ex:  It did not last manhood, he has not reached the common life span वजाहत Ex:  Throughout the life span विविधता Ex:  Time span from noon until evening उ:   इंडियाना एक विविधता वाला राज्य है। विस्तारता वैविध्य उ:   आकार और प्रकार का वैविध्य बरबस हमारा ध्यान आकर्षित करता है। समयवेला
Other : चौड़ाई Ex:  Aging is important when determining life span of most organisms नौ इंच Ex:  Two tunnels and numerous bridges span portions of the Elizabeth River. पूरा विस्तार Ex:  Commonly seen periodization ranges span the years ca. पूर्ण काल Ex:  The last span is a later period of growing royal power फेलाव Ex:  The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 – 5,500 years बित्ता Ex:  After this span of time मेहराब की चौडाई Ex:  Long a span of two spans मेहराब की चौड़ाई Ex:  synodical Month, Time span between two consecutive new moons मेहराब बनाना Ex:  The average life span वित्ता से नापना Ex:  Time span between two actions between two events विस्तरण विस्तार उ:   लेकिन यह विस्तार नंदों की तुलना में बहुत कम था। विस्तृति
Span ki paribhasha : haath ki sab aanguliyaaan phailaane par aangoothe ke sire se kanishthika ke sire tak ki doori lnbaai, chaudai aur ooanchaayi ya gaharaayi ek avyay jis ka prayog simaa, abhivyatki, ishat aur atikraman ke arthoan men hota hai
Usage of Span in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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