Spare meaning in hindi
As noun : अतिरिक्त पहिया Ex: The mechanic dumped the spare components of cars.
अतिरिक्त पुरजा Ex: he wanted his portrait painted but couldnt spare time for the sitting अतिरिक्त Ex: The spare parts of the vehicle were assembled in the garage. उ: इसके अतिरिक्त भी अंग्रेज़ी में कई ऋणशब्द हैं। अतिसर्ग Ex: He rummaged through a box of spare parts
He gave her a box of chocolates
The royal box was empty अनावश्यक Ex: Could you please spare come food for me? उ: ये बाघ का बेहद सम्मान करते है और अनावश्यक कभी बाघ का शिकार नहीं करते। आज्ञादान Ex: The brutes did not even spare the children. उद्वस Ex: He plays the fiddle in his spare time. ऐडिशनल Ex: We moved Carla into the spare room . कुड़ुक Ex: You spare tires over there! Get to work . के बिना काम चलाना Ex: During the war he advocated civil truce that would spare the civilians कोई भी कमी रखना Ex: For transportation of spare engines खाली Ex: Owens had taken different jobs in his spare time: He delivered groceries उ: इसके चलते एक खाली यूरासिल बच जाता है। खिल्ला Ex: They would be responsible for fashioning spare parts खुक्खल Ex: Lincoln was quoted as saying, "I cannot spare this man. गैरजरूरी Ex: Austria-Hungary could spare only one third of its army to attack Serbia. छपटी Ex: With resource to spare झोखना Ex: Do not spare my purse ठलुआ Ex: He is a man for whom he n ' There is nothing sacred, who did not spare what is most sacred in the world said of a man who is held on by nothing no respect religion or morality ठल्लपु० Ex: I promise you I will spare no the ठालीपु Ex: I spare you, I pity you डेना Ex: I will make this brief in my spare time stolen दीधना Ex: In terms of plants Bookstore, it refers Each of spare parts of a Deliveries book published by दुबला Ex: It also tells of trees covered with leaves Branches and sometimes even a spare cluster green leaves of the tree दुबाल Ex: It is not enough spare his well दुबिला Ex: It sent him a spare twenty thousand देना Ex: PART also said some things which, though spare a collective whole, form a whole in itself उ: बिना लाइसेंस के ब्याज पर ऋण देना प्रतिबंधित है। नालुक Ex: PARTISAN says even a slight Officer or irregular troops, to spare a war of surprises or outposts निरलंकार Ex: Prepare, without putting any spare the stuff useful, a dress, a coat, a hat, etc निर्दट, निर्दड Ex: Recreational Hours, spare time, leisure moments of a person who is usually busy परिनिर्वपण Ex: Set, spare his hours फुजला Ex: spare him so unfortunate aspect, so unpleasant बखसीसना ‡ Ex: spare me this chore बाजु Ex: Termination borrowed from a neutral plural suffix Latin and added to the name of an author to specify a code of his spare thoughts, observations, for his kind words, or thoughts, anecdotes that it has collected वशिक Ex: The spare a ship विक्त Ex: We brought this machine and spare parts it was mounted on site विष्टब्धि Ex: We hardly provisions, we must spare the वौकाना Ex: We must spare the bars of a young horse संप्रतिपादन Ex: When he can force his friends, he does not spare them सद्दी ‡ Ex: your spare time समुत्सर्ग Ex: , Executioner of his body, is said of someone who does not spare his health समुपचार Ex: , point money, no Switzerland We will not do anything without being well assured of the payment, or we will have no spare people talked about, if one is not able to pay साँपधरन Ex: , to be homicide of oneself, is sometimes said of a person who does not spare his health साति Ex: and by extension, everything that is not the hull, masts, ammunition, weapons, rigging and include, besides the rigging, rudder, anchor, oars and other spare items sails, ropes etc सादा Ex: I will spare you this treatment, this pain, this embarrassment सूपगंधि
He gave her a box of chocolates
The royal box was empty अनावश्यक Ex: Could you please spare come food for me? उ: ये बाघ का बेहद सम्मान करते है और अनावश्यक कभी बाघ का शिकार नहीं करते। आज्ञादान Ex: The brutes did not even spare the children. उद्वस Ex: He plays the fiddle in his spare time. ऐडिशनल Ex: We moved Carla into the spare room . कुड़ुक Ex: You spare tires over there! Get to work . के बिना काम चलाना Ex: During the war he advocated civil truce that would spare the civilians कोई भी कमी रखना Ex: For transportation of spare engines खाली Ex: Owens had taken different jobs in his spare time: He delivered groceries उ: इसके चलते एक खाली यूरासिल बच जाता है। खिल्ला Ex: They would be responsible for fashioning spare parts खुक्खल Ex: Lincoln was quoted as saying, "I cannot spare this man. गैरजरूरी Ex: Austria-Hungary could spare only one third of its army to attack Serbia. छपटी Ex: With resource to spare झोखना Ex: Do not spare my purse ठलुआ Ex: He is a man for whom he n ' There is nothing sacred, who did not spare what is most sacred in the world said of a man who is held on by nothing no respect religion or morality ठल्लपु० Ex: I promise you I will spare no the ठालीपु Ex: I spare you, I pity you डेना Ex: I will make this brief in my spare time stolen दीधना Ex: In terms of plants Bookstore, it refers Each of spare parts of a Deliveries book published by दुबला Ex: It also tells of trees covered with leaves Branches and sometimes even a spare cluster green leaves of the tree दुबाल Ex: It is not enough spare his well दुबिला Ex: It sent him a spare twenty thousand देना Ex: PART also said some things which, though spare a collective whole, form a whole in itself उ: बिना लाइसेंस के ब्याज पर ऋण देना प्रतिबंधित है। नालुक Ex: PARTISAN says even a slight Officer or irregular troops, to spare a war of surprises or outposts निरलंकार Ex: Prepare, without putting any spare the stuff useful, a dress, a coat, a hat, etc निर्दट, निर्दड Ex: Recreational Hours, spare time, leisure moments of a person who is usually busy परिनिर्वपण Ex: Set, spare his hours फुजला Ex: spare him so unfortunate aspect, so unpleasant बखसीसना ‡ Ex: spare me this chore बाजु Ex: Termination borrowed from a neutral plural suffix Latin and added to the name of an author to specify a code of his spare thoughts, observations, for his kind words, or thoughts, anecdotes that it has collected वशिक Ex: The spare a ship विक्त Ex: We brought this machine and spare parts it was mounted on site विष्टब्धि Ex: We hardly provisions, we must spare the वौकाना Ex: We must spare the bars of a young horse संप्रतिपादन Ex: When he can force his friends, he does not spare them सद्दी ‡ Ex: your spare time समुत्सर्ग Ex: , Executioner of his body, is said of someone who does not spare his health समुपचार Ex: , point money, no Switzerland We will not do anything without being well assured of the payment, or we will have no spare people talked about, if one is not able to pay साँपधरन Ex: , to be homicide of oneself, is sometimes said of a person who does not spare his health साति Ex: and by extension, everything that is not the hull, masts, ammunition, weapons, rigging and include, besides the rigging, rudder, anchor, oars and other spare items sails, ropes etc सादा Ex: I will spare you this treatment, this pain, this embarrassment सूपगंधि
As verb : दे देना Ex: Money does not cost him, He does not spare प्रतिवार Ex: Skin or envelope of some fruits, some vegetables, when spare them by peeling the fruits, these vegetables बचाना Ex: spare the vanquished उ: देश को अहिंसा के मार्ग से बचाना है। समासर्जन Ex: , A very spare style, a style which is excluded ornament
Other : अल्प व्ययी Ex: We should always spare others when they are in danger. अल्प Ex: The little boy begged the terrorists to spare his parents life. उ: वह अपने को अल्प समय में ही कुशल प्रसाशक बनालेता है। किफायत करना Ex: I have quite a bit—enough to spare some . क्षमा करना Ex: Nagumo's decision to spare the vital dockyards छोड़ देना Ex: A spare wheel छोड़ना Ex: Do not spare me, Use me as often as you like त्यागना Ex: I will not spare no थोडा Ex: I will spare you the rest दया करना Ex: It is the not taxed as high as the other, we wanted to spare दे सकना Ex: not spare his परिमित Ex: Since it arises enemy, we did not spare the उ: ईंधन परिमित करने के लिए उतरने के बाद केवल दो बाहरी इंजन चलाए गए। फालतू Ex: spare defeated बचा रखना Ex: spare the blood, saving the lives of men बचा हुआ Ex: spare the lives of men बचाना या दया करना Ex: spare the old, weak मित व्ययी Ex: The scandal did not spare
Spare ki paribhasha : gati ka avarodh karana vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai maarg aadi na milane ke kaaran thahar jaana jo kisi kaam ke laayak na ho jisaki naap tol ki gai ho ya maalum ho jisake andar kuchh na ho jisaki banaavat aadi bahut snkshipt ho kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena
ExamplesUsage of Spare in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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